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Difference between symmetry and asymmetry Symmetry simply means that you can draw a line down the middle of something, and it will look the same on both sides of the line. Asymmetry is the opposite. Design for symmetry Create a design that will work no matter how we install the symmetrical part. (A shim, a pin, or a piece of paper, for example.) Design for asymmetry If a part isn’t functionally symmetrical, it shouldn’t look symmetrical. The part should obviously only go in one way. Pins: Prevent something from being installed backwards (Symmetry issues) Templates: Anything that can be placed over a product to indicate a wrong condition such as a sheet with cutouts for each component on a PC board Can also be an assembly tool as in the wiring switch Checklists: Used where a number of steps must be performed, as in pilot’s pre-flight checklist Parts kit with shadowboxing: Used on assemblies where there is a danger of forgetting a component Limit switches: frequently used to prevent the powering up of a machine unless the workpiece is properly installed (As in a microwave oven door). Can also be used to stop operation if some characteristic is not right. Counters: Used whenever there are a large number of a similar task to be performed (Such as torquing hardware). A counter can be set up on a fixture so that it does not release the part until a certain number of torques have been completed. Alarms: As in the oil light on your car - an alarm warms the operator that an unacceptable condition exists in the process, whether it is temperature, liquid level, dimensions or some other characteristic. Weight: A mistake-proofing method that involves packing or perhaps even assembling something on a scale. If the final weight of the completed operation is not correct, the operator is signalled. * MISTAKE-PROOFING防误措施 Achieving Competitive Excellence-获取竞争性优势 ACE Elements QCPC Root Cause / Corrective Action Passport Process Management Standard Work Mistake Proofi
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