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Preface and Introduction By Alex Zeng I. What’s Business English? Business English refers to the professional English used in the business world, for example, in international business and foreign trade. Business English covers different lines of business and a wide range of business events and activities, including business letters, contracts, fairs and shows, talks and negotiations, marketing and advertising, shipment and insurance, and so on Business English has its own law and features. It contains a variety of terms and terminologies, long and complicated sentences and special business English culture. Even many general English words we know have completely different meaning in business English. II. Difficulty in Translation itself IV. Pleasure in Translation 经典误译 Never refill gas into empty can. 原译:本罐用完后如无损坏可以再次充气。 本意:空罐切勿再次充气。 We wont to buy necessities in Dongfang department store. [误译] 我们不愿在东方百货买日用品。 [原意] 我们习惯于在东方百货买日用品。 A: He opened his own business in Shenzhen. B:You don’t say (so)! [误译] A:他在深圳开了家公司。    B:你不要(乱)说! [原意] A:他在深圳开了家公司    B:真的吗?    A:The contract is really profitable. B:You can say that again. [误译] A:这个合同真的有利可图。    B:你可以再说一遍。 [原意] A:这个合同真的有利可图。    B:你说得对。 You bet I’ll go to the trade fair tomorrow. [误译] 你打赌我明天去参加商品交易会吗? [原意] 我明天一定去参加商品交易会。 [说明] You bet 是口语,意为“当然“,“一定”,“你可确信”等。 A. Thank you very much. B. You bet ! [误译] A:多谢你。    B:当然! [原意] A:多谢你。    B:不客气! [说明] 此处的 You bet 为口语,在此处意为“不敢当”,“不客气” His secretary is a yes-man. [误译] 他的秘书是一个老说“yes”的人 [原意] 他的秘书没有主见。   [说明] 此处的 Yes-man是口语,意为“唯唯诺诺的人”,“无主见的人”,“应声虫” The employer has made a yellow-dog contract with David. [误译] 雇主与戴维签订了一个买卖黄狗的合同。 [原意] 雇主与戴维签订了不加入工会的雇用契约。 [说明] yellow-dog contract是美国俚语,意为“以工人不参加工会为前提的雇用契约”,而yellow dog(合成名词)意为“反对工会的人”,“卑鄙的人”。yellow-dog则是形容词,“卑鄙的”,“反对工会的” She has a yellow boy. [误译] 她有一个黄皮肤的男孩。 [原意] 她有一枚金币。 [说明] yellow boy 是英国英语,意为“金币”。 He did business without return. [误译] 他去做生意没有回来。 [原意] 他做生意没赚到钱。 [说明] witho


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