The Company as a Brand cw公司作为一个品牌连续.routledge.pptVIP

The Company as a Brand cw公司作为一个品牌连续.routledge.ppt

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The Company as a Brand cw公司作为一个品牌连续.routledge

The Company as a Brand Corporate Reputation and Competitiveness Lecture 4 Lecture Objectives To explore what in ‘branding can be applied to the management of corporate reputation What is a brand? A company with a price advantage can be undercut. A company with a performance advantage can be outflanked. But a company with an emotional difference can potentially demand a premium forever. David Ogilvy The most important aspects of a brand are the associations we make with the brand name, particularly the more affective (emotional) ones. Advertising Sales Ratio Brands and Advertising Today’s Brands are Corporate Brands Multiple stakeholders: customers, employees, shareholders, the media, suppliers. Multiple channels: Direct, Intermediaries, the Internet. Multiple product types: Products and Services, Umbrella brands and extensions. The Service Economy The Different Roles of Advertising Advertising can create a brand image for a physical product The customer recreates the imagery in use Advertising can communicate a brand for a service or corporate brand Advertising an image for a service which is not matched by the experience is a mistake How Reputation is Created The COO Effect Before 1918 nobody knew where a product came from. In that year Germany lost the First World War. To punish German industry and to warn the European consumer of that time, German manufacturers were obliged to put on each product they exported Made in Germany labels (in English). Very soon it became a sign of quality, (Morello, 1984: p.5). The COO Effect “Generalized images created by variables such as representative products, economic and political maturity, historical events and relationships, traditions, industrialization and the degree of technological virtuosity which will have effects upon consumer attitudes additional to those emanating from the significant elements of the products.” Bannister and Saunders (1978) The Industry Effect God made the wicked grocer for a mystery and


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