The Consultation of 1835 Wikispaces咨询of 1835年Wikispaces.pptVIP

The Consultation of 1835 Wikispaces咨询of 1835年Wikispaces.ppt

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The Consultation of 1835 Wikispaces咨询of 1835年Wikispaces

The first Consultation began as the delegates elected Branch T. Archer as the president of the convention. Some argued that Texas should declare its independence from Mexico, while others feared that declaring independence would cost them their Tejano support. Branch T. Archer The pro war and pro peace groups reached a compromise with this declaration. The document explained their loyalty to the Mexican Government under one condition, that the Mexican’s would restore the Constitution of 1824. The next step after the Declaration was to create a temporary, or Provisional Government. The consultation elected Henry Smith as governor, who supported the war campaign. 3 commissioners (Austin, Wharton Archer) were sent to the travel to the US to recruit volunteers for the army and raise money. Henry Smith The delegates at the consultation also addressed military matters, by appointing Sam Houston as chief of the army. The General Council did authorize the creation of a navy to protect the Texas coast and supply ships traveling from New Orleans other ports. Even though the General Council allowed for a navy, the first navy ships were not purchased until January. The navy not only protected Texas settlements, but also made many attacks on Mexican ships and towns during the Revolution. Sam Houston and William Goyens went to East Texas to negotiate a peace treaty with the Cherokee. Both men had previous experiences with the Cherokee Indians, both living and working with them. Meeting with the Cherokees went well and kept the Indians neutral for the up and coming battles. Although the provisional government lacked organization and leadership, its main goal was to restore the Constitution of 1824.


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