The Distribution of MM’s mrslimM M的mrslim分布.wikispaces.pptVIP

The Distribution of MM’s mrslimM M的mrslim分布.wikispaces.ppt

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The Distribution of MM’s Bryan Wu/ Hongbo Liu Question: Does the actual distribution of Peanut MM colors follow the proportions claimed by the manufacturer? Background Information Small, sugar-coated, milk chocolate pieces, produced by Mars, Incorporated Variations- milk chocolate, peanut, mint chocolate, dulce de leche, toffee, crispy, almond, peanut butter, white chocolate and dark chocolate. Six colors: red, orange, yellow, green, brown, and blue Procedure Data Using the Chi-Square Test for Goodness Fit Assumptions for Chi-Square Simple Random Sample -Yes; the sample was selected using random allocation All individual expected values are at least 1 -Yes No more than 20% of the expected counts are less than 5 -Yes; none are less than 5 Hypotheses Null Hypothesis: H0: The actual population proportions of M M Colors are equal to the proportions claimed by the manufacturer Alternative Hypothesis: Ha: The actual population proportions of M M Colors are NOT equal to the proportions claimed by the manufacturer Before conducting the test Chi-Square Test for Goodness of Fit P-Value Rejection of Null Hypothesis Conclusion The actual population proportions of M M Colors are NOT equal to the proportions claimed by the manufacturer. HOWEVER… Larger sample chosen from more varied sources should be used. Statisticians should repeat this investigation multiple times to evaluate the validity of the manufacture’s claims Future study Examine color distributions from different locations Conduct the same test on other flavors (almond, white chocolate, dark chocolate) SOURCES /wiki/M%26m%27s /us/about/products/peanut * This following study was conducted for the purpose of an AP Statistic Class investigation. There is no guarantee on the validity on any or all parts of the study. The conductor(s) of the study take no responsibility in the accuracy of the results.? ACME- 272 East Butler Avenue, Ambler, PA Numbered 8 bags from 1-8 randInt (1,8,1)=2 Counted the


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