The Elements of Drama WordPress戏剧的要素 WordPress.pptVIP

The Elements of Drama WordPress戏剧的要素 WordPress.ppt

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The Elements of Drama WordPress戏剧的要素 WordPress

“HARLEM” By Langston Hughes What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore-- And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over-- like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode? Poem Meaning About the black experience of the American Dream. One of the most powerful images in black literature. Normally a grape is left in the sun to become a raisin. In the poem, a raisin is left in the sun. Metaphor echoes slavery of people who have been “dried out” but are given no rest. Lorraine Hansberry Playwright who’s famous play was inspired by her family’s racial struggle in Chicago. A Raisin in the Sun The first play written by an African American woman to ever be put on broadway. Died at age 34. Funeral was in Harlem. The Elements of Drama Drama Comes from the Greek Word, “Dran” = “To do” or “To Act” A story told in front of an audience. Elements of Drama Playwright the author of a play Actors the people who perform Acts the units of action Scenes parts of the acts Dramatic Speech Dialogue conversation between or among characters Monologue long speech by one single character (private thoughts) Stage Directions Found in brackets [ ] Describe scenery and how characters speak C, Center Stage L, Stage Left R, Stage Right U, Upstage or Rear D, Downstage or Front Set Construction on the stage that shows time/place Could be called Scenery Props Small movable items that the actors use to make actions look real Types of Drama Drama is used to describe plays that address a serious subject. Types of Drama Comedy is a form of drama that has a happy ending. Humor comes from the dialogue and situations. Types of Drama Tragedy is a form of drama in which events lead to the downfall of the main character, often a person of great significance, like a king or hero. * *


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