The Gilded Age” 1865 – 1900 hasdpa镀金时代的“1865–1900

The Gilded Age” 1865 – 1900 hasdpa镀金时代的“1865–1900

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The Gilded Age” 1865 – 1900 hasdpa镀金时代的“1865–1900

* * * * * * Republican Party Nominee who supported big business, the banks, and the “Gold Standard” Ran a front porch campaign; allowed Bryan to talk himself out William McKinley Read “The Property of the People” An Army of Unemployed Marches on the Capitol Who was Jacob Coxey? 2. What did Coxey’s Army demand? L. Frank Baum, author of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz , written in 1900, was a supporter of the Populist and supported presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan The “Wonderful Wizard of Oz” was written as an allegory (represents real situations in symbolic terms) to the so-called Gilded Age/Populism. Every main character can be traced to either a particular person or group of people. Even the word “Oz” may have been used as symbolism Political Cartoons of the Time 1894 1896 1899 1894 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * During the administration of Rutherford B. Hayes (1877-1881), the Republican Party was split into two factions: The Stalwarts, the conservative faction, saw themselves as stalwart in opposition to Hayes efforts to reconcile with the South. They opposed all forms of civil service reform, preferring to keep in place the existing patronage system. Among their numbers were many Radical Republicans, Union war veterans and most of the Republican political bosses. The Stalwarts also backed the protective tariff and sought a third term for U.S. Grant in 1880. Roscoe Conkling of New York was the most prominent Stalwart leader. The Half-Breeds, a term of disparagement favored by the Stalwarts, was applied to the moderately liberal faction of the Republican Party. In the minds of the Stalwarts, the term Half-Breed was meant to suggest that they were only half Republican. The Half-Breeds backed Hayes lenient treatment of the South and supported civil service reform. James G. Blaine of Maine was the leader of this group, but failed to win the party nomination in 1876 and 1880. The Republican convention of 1880 was deeply divi



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