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The Golden Age Wikispaces黄金时代Wikispaces

The GOLDEN Age OF GREECE What was the Golden Age The golden age of Greece was a time of peace in which aspects of the culture such as philosophy, trading, farming and learning could be looked at much closer, and there wasn’t much fear of attack from Persians because they were defeated various times. The Olympics From 776 BC through the Golden Age the Olympics always occurred until they were banned by the Roman?Emperor Theodosius in 393. When the Olympics weren’t banned every 4 years men from all over the Greek world came to the town of Olympia to compete in the Olympic Games if you won that you were famous however to compete you needed to speak Greece. PHILOSOPHY During the golden age some such as Socrates and Plato Greeks began to question the meaning of life as well as the universe, some others also believed that Jesus which is I different religion could speak Greece as well. Theatre Theatre was another area which made advancements throughout the golden age like their Olympic games honored Zeus the theatre honored Dionysus (god of wine) tragedies were the most commonly preformed. The theatre was always packed when there was some type of show going on. Architecture Perhaps one the most significant building projects during the golden age was the Parthenon temple built upon the Acropolis. Other buildings included a massive gate as well as houses and shrines. Rich people had slaves for many different jobs such as; nannies and slave tutors. Boys started school in Sparta at the age of 7, they learned normal school work as well as music, poetry, dancing and athletics. Girls however stayed home to learn from their mothers. Women did not have equal rights. Women were often controlled by men such as a father, husband, brother, or even a son. They were expected to be married at the age14-15 to a husband 25-35 years old. They were also not to circulate in public. Life in Ancient Greece Most homes in ancient Greece had a courtyard, which was the center of activity. Chil


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