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THE IMMUNE SYSTEM We all get sick sometimes...but then we get better. What happens when we get sick? Why do we get better? ANATOMY OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM The immune system is localized in several parts of the body immune cells develop in the primary organs - bone marrow and thymus (yellow) immune responses occur in the secondary organs (blue) ANATOMY OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Thymus – glandular organ near the heart – where T cells learn their jobs Bone marrow – blood-producing tissue located inside certain bones blood stem cells give rise to all of the different types of blood cells Spleen – serves as a filter for the blood removes old and damaged red blood cells removes infectious agents and uses them to activate cells called lymphocytes Lymph nodes – small organs that filter out dead cells, antigens, and other “stuff” to present to lymphocytes Lymphatic vessels – collect fluid (lymph) that has “leaked” out from the blood into the tissues and returns it to circulation PASSIVE IMMUNITY Antibodies (Y) are also found in breast milk. The antibodies received through passive immunity last only several weeks. YOUR ACTIVE IMMUNE DEFENSES INNATE IMMUNITY Innate immunity consists of: Barriers Cellular response phagocytosis inflammatory reaction NK (natural killer) and mast cells Soluble factors INNATE IMMUNITY Barriers Physical skin hair mucous Chemical sweat tears saliva stomach acid urine INNATE IMMUNITY Cellular response Phagocyte migration Macrophages WBCs that ingest bacteria, viruses, dead cells, dust most circulate in the blood, lymph and extracellular fluid they are attracted to the site of infection by chemicals given off by dying cells after ingesting a foreign invader, they “wear” pieces of it called antigens on their cell membrane receptors – this tells other types of immune system cells what to look for Macrophage and E. coli Macrophage ingesting yeast Neutrophils WBCs – are phagocytic, like macrophages neutrophils also rel


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