The Great Seal of America Middlebury College美国市米德伯理学院大密封.pptVIP

The Great Seal of America Middlebury College美国市米德伯理学院大密封.ppt

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The Great Seal of America Middlebury College美国市米德伯理学院大密封

The Great Seal of America And the Freemason’s Involvement By Andy Singer Formation of the Great Seal (continued) The second committee consisted of William Churchill Huston, James Lovell, and John Morin Scott. Like the first committee, they enlisted the aid of a consultant. His name was Francis Hopkinson of Philadelphia. This group also failed to create an acceptable seal. The Third Committee The third committee consisted of Arthur Middleton, John Rutledge, and Elias Boudinot. Evidence shows that these men did little work on the Seal. They relied on William Barton to draw and create ideas. Most importantly, Barton retained the first committee’s Eye of Providence and the unfinished pyramid. Freemason Symbols Seen on the Reverse Side of the Great Seal of America FDR and Henry Wallace: Prominence to the Reverse of the Great Seal * * Formation of the Great Seal of America It took three committees to finally approve a Great Seal. The first included known Freemason Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams. They are in order, from left to right, above. They enlisted Pierre Eugene du Simitiere to aid them in drawing and providing new ideas. The symbols of importance to freemasonry on the Great Seal of America are the Eye of Providence, the equilateral triangle, and the light which emanates from the triangle. In 1934, FDR’s Secretary of Agriculture, Henry Wallace, proposed an idea for a coin which depicted the reverse side of the Great Seal. President Roosevelt agreed that the reverse side of the Great Seal deserved more prominence, and they proceeded to make it prominent on the one dollar bill. Both were 32nd Degree Freemasons. *



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