The Giver by Lois Lowry teacherlink洛伊丝洛瑞 teacherlink送礼者.pptVIP

The Giver by Lois Lowry teacherlink洛伊丝洛瑞 teacherlink送礼者.ppt

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The Giver by Lois Lowry teacherlink洛伊丝洛瑞 teacherlink送礼者

The Giver Mr. Smith’s WaltonWorld Benchmarks in the Giver Society At age one, children get assigned to their families. Children also receive their names. At age two, children can walk. At age three, children begin to tell dreams. They reach the same maturity level. At ages four, five and six, children wear back-buttoned jackets so that they can learn to depend upon others. At age seven, children get a front-buttoned jacket, which is the first sign of independence At age eight, children perform voluntary work. They give up their “comfort objects.” Children become more independent. At age nine, children receive bikes. Girls no longer have to wear hair ribbons. At age ten, children get hair cuts. Girls no longer wear braids. Boys had shorter hair which allowed for their ears to show. At age eleven, children get new clothes. Girls get different undergarments because they have undergone puberty. Boys gets pants with pockets designed to carry the calculators that they use in school. At age twelve, children learn their future professions. They become adults. Benchmarks in the United States At age 5-6, children go to kindergarten. At age 13, children become teenagers. At age 16, children can get their driver’s license. At age 17-18, children graduate from high school. Children can vote. At age 21, people become adults. Jobs in the Giver society Birthmothers provide children for married couples. Nurturers raise newborn children until the children become Ones. Then, their parents can receive them. Ideal job in Giver Society: Instructor Instructors at Work WaltonWorld * * My ideal job in the Giver society is instructor. As an instructor, I could work in an energetic environment with friendly and entertaining students and employees. I could help students learn interesting and important things. Also, I could support the personal growth of people within the school. As an instructor, I could positively impact students’ lives. The job of instruct



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