The Importance Of Marketing Research 营销研究的重要性.pptVIP

The Importance Of Marketing Research 营销研究的重要性.ppt

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The Importance Of Marketing Research 营销研究的重要性

Use of Available Tourism Data for Marketing Research Policy Tyrone Clarke Definition of Marketing Marketing consists of the strategies and tactics used to identify, create and maintain satisfying relationships with customers that result in value for both the customer and the marketer. A social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others (Kotler, 1988,p.3) The management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customers’ requirements profitably (CIM, 1984) The need for meaningful Research Before committing to the complexities and costs inherent in exporting our tourism services, it is absolutely essential that we undertake some degree of research to better understand the foreign markets that we will be competing in and the consumers to whom we will be selling. It is important that this research is meaningful; simply compiling statistics and other facts about a market without any purpose, is of limited value. Any information that we collect needs to be compared, interpreted and conclusions drawn. Our marketing research activities should be planned and practical exercises leading to specific decisions that drive our marketing strategies. There is a plethora of data available Market research versus marketing research Market research is about understanding the broader marketplace in which we intend to compete. Marketing research, on the other hand, is about understanding what package of marketing elements (i.e. the product, price, promotion and distribution factors) the country will need to put together in order to meet customer needs and to succeed in the marketplace. Market research is the more encompassing/broader concept of understanding the market environment in which you will be competing, while marketing research is the more specific/focused view of consumer needs and behaviour. Gaining an Information Advantage In its role as


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