The Interaction of Lexical and Syntactic Ambiguity词汇与句法歧义的相互作用.pptVIP

The Interaction of Lexical and Syntactic Ambiguity词汇与句法歧义的相互作用.ppt

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The Interaction of Lexical and Syntactic Ambiguity词汇与句法歧义的相互作用

The Interaction of Lexical and Syntactic Ambiguity by Maryellen C. MacDonald presented by Joshua Johanson What do you mean by lexical and syntactic ambiguity? Lexical Ambiguity financial bank/river bank Syntactic Ambiguity I saw the spy with the binoculars Lexical and Syntactic Ambiguity to watch/a watch Approach 1: Unified Approach Both syntax and lexical ambiguities resolved via probabilistic constraints Very complex interaction All lexical and syntactic interpretations are activated until one is favored The alternative view uses garden sentences to argue that only one syntactic interpretation is activated I told the girl that the boy met the story While Mary was mending the sock fell on the floor Approach 2: Different mechanism for each type of ambiguity Lexical Ambiguity Representations are created and stored All senses are activated in parallel until most probable one is chosen Sytactic Ambiguity Parses are constructed, not stored There is only one serial parse Lexical and Semantic Ambiguity The Delay Model Delay Model If there is an interaction between lexical and syntactic ambiguity, resolution of the ambiguity waits until it is no longer ambiguous I know that the desert trains could resupply the camp. I know that the desert trains soldiers to be tough Frazier and Rayner’s experiment Measured eye fixation for reading times Compared ambiguous readings with unambiguous readings Used this/these to disambiguate This desert trains These desert trains Results Criticism End region is not consistent (3-10 words) Delay may come from another source besides the ambiguity ‘This’ and ‘These’ are usually used as anaphoric references, but there is no mention of which desert or which trains these refer to. This could be awkward and may be the cause in the delay, not the disambiguation MacDonald’s Experiment 53 MIT undergraduates tested Saw one word at a time on the screen Pressed space when they were done Asked comprehension question at the end (No feedback) Threw o


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