The Medicine Bag” by Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve药袋”由弗吉尼亚驾驶鹰斯内夫.pptxVIP

The Medicine Bag” by Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve药袋”由弗吉尼亚驾驶鹰斯内夫.pptx

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The Medicine Bag” by Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve药袋”由弗吉尼亚驾驶鹰斯内夫

Bellwork: Title your paper “The Medicine Bag.” Copy the following definition: Symbol: something that represents, or stands for, something else View each picture answer the questions that follow each. What does the pirate symbolize? What is this a symbol for? What does a Bar Mitzvah symbolize to a 13 year old Jewish boy? What does high school graduation symbolize? What does it mean to a child when he/she begins to sit at the “big” table? “The Medicine Bag” by Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve Objectives: To be able to interpret a symbol distinguish between flat and round dynamic and static characters. Types of Characters Flat: not fully developed; we know only one side of the character Round: fully-developed, with many traits--bad and good--shown in the story. We feel that we know the character so well that he or she has become a real person Static: does not experience a basic character change during the course of the story Dynamic: experiences a basic change in character through the events of the story. This change is internal and may be sudden, but the events of the plot should make it seem inevitable. Examples of Dynamic Static Characters Dynamic Character: Ebenezer Scrooge, in A Christmas Carol by Dickens, was very stingy with his money. He worked his employees extremely hard for little pay. After his experiences with the ghosts that visited him, he changed his ways, paying his employees a more than fair wage, providing days off work, and actually giving gifts. Static Character: In Finding Nemo, the sea turtles would be an example of static characters. They did not change throughout the movie. They were always helpful. Examples of Round Flat Characters Round: Frodo Baggins from Lord of the Rings and X-Men’s Magneto are round characters because we know a lot about their personalities. Flat: Jafar in Aladdin and the white rabbit in Alice… are flat because they possess few traits: Jafar is evil. The white rabbit is anxious and in a hurry. “Th


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