The Psychology of Dying MCCC心理学的死去MCCC.pptVIP

The Psychology of Dying MCCC心理学的死去MCCC.ppt

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The Psychology of Dying MCCC心理学的死去MCCC

The Psychology of Dying Kubler-Ross 5 stages: 1) Denial: (and Isolation) “the defense mechanism by which a person is unable or refuses to see things as they are because such facts are threatening to the self” 2) Anger: “blame directed toward another person” 3) Bargaining 4) Depression 5) Acceptance Lofland “dying scripts” Elements: Space Population Knowledge Stance Em. M. Pattison 3 phases of the dying process: 1) acute crisis phase 2) chronic living-dying phase 3) terminal phase A. Weisman 3 degrees of denial: 1) the person denies the facts 2) the person accepts the diagnosis but refuses to believe that it is terminal 3) person vacillates beween open acknowledgement of death and its repudiation Glaser and Strauss 4 contexts of awareness: 1) closed awareness 2) suspicion 3) mutual pretense 4) open awareness Duties of the Dying 1) arrange a variety of affairs 2) adapt to the loss of loved ones and self 3) manage medical needs and balance emotions 4) plan for future loss 5) identify and cope with the death encounter Role of the FD With the Dying Prerequisites for the FD: 1) acknowledge one’s mortality 2) understand the grief process 3) effective listening and appropriate response 4) commitment to the dying 5) knowledge of personal limits Social Responses to Death variety of socialization processes demographic norms Preindustrial: high mortality rates small, tightly integrated communities Postindustrial: drop in mortality rates death is distanced, sanitized Death of a Parent natural event unfinished emotional business little/no allowance for untimely, violent, or unexpected death allow the adult child to express the feelings of loss support groups Death of a Spouse secondary losses social issues support groups Death of a Child parents and siblings aren’t the only ones who mourn the loss of a child, but the parental grief response is the most complex friends may avoid the parents “service guilt”, “survivor’s guilt” Guilt Compose


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