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Unit 1 Charge, Current and Voltage The main idea of this unit: This unit mainly discusses the basic knowledge about “ATM”. (1) ATM is short for Asynchronous Transfer Mode that is an International Telecommunication Union Telecommunications Standards Sections standards for cell relay wherein information for multiple service types. (2) ATM is a cell-switching and multiplexing technology that combines the benefits of circuit switching with those of packet switching . (3) ATM supports two types of connections: point-to-point and point-multipoint. New Words 1.technology n. 复数 technologies The application of science, especially to industrial or commercial objectives. 技术:科学的应用,尤指为了工业或商业的目的 The scientific method and material used to achieve a commercial or industrial objective. 技术:用以达到商业或工业的目的的科学方法和材料 2. multiple adj. 多样的, 多重的 multiple types. 多种类型. 3.standard (1) n. 标准 educational standard 教育标准 (2) adj.合乎标准的 a standard reference 参考标准 4.conceive vt. To form or develop in the mind; devise: 构思:在脑海中设计或构思;设计: conceive a plan to increase profits. 构想出一个增加利润的计划. 5. release vt. 释放 To free from something that binds, fastens, or holds back; let go: 松开,解开:从捆绑、牢系或阻挡的东西中解放出来; 放开: Eg. release the balloons; 放走气球; Eg. release a flood of questions. 提出一大堆问题 6. interface n. 界面. Windows interface 窗口界面 7. guarantee vt. To undertake to do, accomplish, or ensure 承诺,保证:保证去做 guaranteed to free the captives; guarantees freedom of speech. 保证释放犯人;保证言论自由 8. delay (1) To cause to be later or slower than expected or desired: 使…延迟:使…比期望的要迟一些或慢一些: Heavy traffic delayed us. 交通堵塞使我们迟到了 (2) n.耽搁, 延迟, 迟滞 Time delay 时间滞后 9. packet n. 包 Information packet 10. synchronous adj. 同步的 Synchronous motor 同步电动机 11. Bandwidth n. 带宽 The numerical difference between the upper and lower frequencies of a band of electromagnetic radiation, especially an assigned range of radio frequencies. 带宽:电磁辐射频带中高频与低频之间的数值差,尤指某设 定的无线电频率范围 12. assign vt. To give out as a task; allot. 指派,,分配 The hardest work



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