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中国《消防法》、《环境保护法》、《劳动法》以及相关法规条文摘录 一、童 工 CL 《中华人民共和国劳动法》第15条:禁止用人单位招用未满十六周岁的未成年人。 Article 15 of the Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China: Employing units are not allowed to recruit minors under the age of 16. 二、未成年工 ML (劳部发[1994]498号《未成年工特殊保护规定》第2条:未成年工是指年满十六周岁,未满十八周岁的劳动者。 Article 2 of Circular of the Ministry of Labor on Issuing the Provision on Special Protection for Juvenile Workers of LMI [1994] No. 498: Minor laborers refer to those aged between 16 and 18 years of age. (劳部发[1994]498号《未成年工特殊保护规定》第9条:用人单位招收使用未成年工,除符合一般用工要求外,还须向所在地的县级以上的劳动行政部门办理登记。 Article 9 of the Regulations for Special Protection of Minor Laborers: the state practices a system of registering employment and special protection of young laborers. Employing units that recruit minor laborers, in addition to following other common requirements of employment, should make a registration in the local Labor Administration Authorities above the County level. The local Labor Administration Authorities will provide minor laborers registration certificate to the employing units after reviewing the health checkup form and registration form of young laborers (《中华人民共和国劳动法》第64条:不得安排未成年工从事矿山井下、有毒有害、国家规定的第四级体力劳动强度的劳动和其他禁忌从事的劳动。 Article 64 of the Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China: It is not allowed to assign minor laborers to mine and under pit work, poisonous or harmful work, or work of 4th-grade manual labor intensity stipulated by the state and other prohibited work. (《中华人民共和国劳动法》第65条:用人单位应当对未成年工定期进行健康检查。 Article 65 of the Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China: Employing units shall conduct regular physical check of minor laborers. (劳部发[1994]498号《未成年工特殊保护规定》第6条:用人单位应按下列要求对未成年工定期进行健康检查:(一)安排工作岗位之前:(二)工作满1年; (三)年满18周岁,距前一次的体检时间已超过半年。 Article 6 of Circular of the Ministry of Labor on Issuing the Provision on Special Protection for Juvenile Workers of LMI [1994] No. 498: Employing units shall conduct regular physical check of minor laborers according to the requirements as follows:


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