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Unit 5 Adventure Fiction Writers Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) 出生商人家庭,婚姻美满,当过批发商,生意兴隆,蹲过监狱,后来生意破产,从事写作,包括诗歌(如《地道的英国人》The True Born Englishman)、短文(如《铲除异教徒的捷径》The Shortest way with the Dissenters)、小说(《鲁宾孙漂流记》、《摩尔·弗兰德斯》等),并发行《评论报》(The Review),该报早于《闲谈者》和《旁观者》,确立了期刊论文的形式 《鲁宾孙漂流记》故事梗概 鲁宾孙覆舟遇险,在水中挣扎,登陆一无人居住的小岛,在岛上住了18年,独立建防御工事,种大麦、水稻,养山羊,造船,跟土人作战,历尽艰辛,后被一艘英国船发现,回到英国。 《鲁宾孙漂流记》的意义 马克思称鲁宾孙是18世纪的个人,一方面是封建社会形态解体的产物,另一方面是16世纪以来新兴生产力的产物 鲁宾孙是那个时代的创业者,一个殖民者,一个帝国的创造人,体现了正在兴起的资产阶级个人奋斗的精神和殖民扩张的精神 《摩尔·弗兰德斯》 18世纪最重要的小说之一,叙述伦敦一妓女的历险 试图脱离早期英国小说的说教传统,强调环境的影响 Moll Flanders: Defoe introduces, for the first time, a lowly woman as the subject of literature. And it anticipates many later novels that take women as the center of attention in order to expose how the social system victimized them. The heroine is a woman living by stealing and cheating. It is also a tradition in English novel but the author’s purpose is not showing her tricks. His purpose is satirizing the social system More about Robinson Crusoe Background: a real incident; 1704, Alexander Selkirk, a Scottish sailor, was thrown onto a desolate island by the mutinous叛变的 crew of his ship. He lived there alone for 5 years. Defoe read about his adventures in a newspaper and went to interview him to get first-hand information. The first translation was done by Lin Shu in 1905 and became quite popular in China Plot: run away from home → become a sailor → a planter in Brazil → to an uninhabited island because of shipwreck → make a living there all by himself → save a negro named Friday who became his servant → back to England → visit the remote island again and Friday was killed Robinson Crusoe’s characterization: typical of the rising English bourgeois class, practical, diligent, a restless curiosity to know more about the world and a desire to prove individual power in the face of social and natural challenges; shrewd精明的, care about money and good at managing; courageous and intelligent


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