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Integrated Sizing, Calculation and Optimization of Plant Components with CONVAL? 7.0 2007 The contributor Andreas Vogt President of F.I.R.S.T. GmbH Founder of the company Active in software development since 1979 The Company F.I.R.S.T. GmbH Founded in 1989 Located in Germany (near Cologne) Business objective Development and marketing of CONVAL? Business concept To benefit from the synergy of collaboration: Software developers Experts in the field of application Experts from vendor industries (e.g. Holger Siemers for valves) Science, Research and University know-how Vendors of CAE Systems The Product CONVAL? Tool for sizing, calculation and optimization of common plant components: Control valve Control valve (two phases) Steam conditioning valves Actuator forces Differential pressure flow elements Restriction orifice plates Tank depressurization Pressure loss Pressure surge The Product CONVAL? Tool for sizing, calculation and optimization of common plant components: Pipes sizing Pipe compensation Span calculation Pipe wall thickness Shell-and–tube heat exchanger Condensers Material data calculation Safety relief valves Pump motor output Property calculation CONVAL? customer base ~ 800 customers (90% in Europe) ~ 3500 licenses sold 8000 active users 55% Owner / Operators BP, Shell, Total, Esso, ExxonMobil BASF, Bayer, DOW, DSM, Norsk Hydro, Solvay Siemens, Babcock, Hitachi, ABB… 40% Engineering Project Consultants Bechtel, Lurgi, Linde, Uhde, Parsons, Jacobs, Electrowatt, ABB Lumus, Mott MacDonald, Tebodin, LarsonToubro… 5% Instrument Vendors SAMSON, ARCA, Hora, Fisher, Flowserve, Metso, Tyco Endress Hauser, Invensys, Krohne… Internatinal Representatives Nanhang Instruments China Tech. Control IRAN CAD Tech Consultants India UIT Korea Middle East Oilfield Services Oman Chempute South Africa Avintos AG Switzerland SOAR TEC Taiwan Fundamentals of CONVAL? Content background User requirements (market driven development) Targeting the Process


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