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9.4.3其他介词的省略 一些用于其他场合的介词短语,汉译时若译文已明确体现有关介词的意思,这些介词也经常省译,以避免画蛇添足之嫌。例如: (85)The capacitor is a square with all sides a half centimeter long. (86)Most substances expand on heating and contract on cooling. (87)I should like to make a brief statement regarding some of the considerations leading to our affirmative vote. (88)The critical temperature is different for various kinds of steel. (89)The products produced by this factory are good in quality and low in price. 9.5连词的省略 9.5.1并列连词在并列连词中的省略 9.5.2从属连词的省略 9.5.1并列连词的省略 在并列连词中,比较常见的是and, or, but和for的省略。例如: (90)He looked gloomy and troubled. (91)This machine has worked in succession for seven or eight hours. (92)Bacteria,even great in number, are invisible to the unaided eye,but they can easily be distinguished by the microscope. (93)Both the earth and grain of sand are bodies,for each consists of a definite amount of matter. (94)Dimensioning is a complicated problem and long experiences are required for the mastering of it. 9.5.2从属连词的省略 与并列连词相比,从属连词数量要大得多,用法也繁杂得多。汉译时这些连词经常可酌情省略。例如: (95)Because everyone uses language to talk,everyone thinks he can talk about language. (96)Because the departure was not easy, we made it brief. (97)We knew spring was coming, as we had seen a robin. (98)A gas becomes hotter if it is compressed. (99)If winter comes, can spring be far behind? (100)As it is late, you had better go home. (101)Change one’s mind the moment when one sees the new. (102)After he packed up his things, he hurried to the station. After he packed uphis things, he hurried to the station. 9.6动词的省略 9.6.1一些连系动词的省略 9.6.2一些动词与具有动作含义的名词搭配时可省略 9.6.1一些连系动词的省略 英语中最主要的连系动词be用作谓语时,本身并无具体的动作含义,汉译时往往省略。至于其他连系动词,如get, become等,若其含义在译文中已经得到体现,也可省译。例如: (103)She is very fond of speaking ill of others. (104)Newspapers,magazines and broadcasts are subject to censorship in that country. (105)It is easier to roll something over a surface than to slide it. (106)His speech to the Senate was as bald and brief as his address to the


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