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MCQ on Anatomy Physiology A By: Dr. Mousa M. H. Elzabout ( Ass. Prof.) Faculty of Nursing Islamic University-Gaza ( 2010) MCQ on Chapter 1: The Human Body, An Orientation ( )Anatomy is the study of the structure and shape of the body and its parts. the study of how the body and its parts function. the study of the body and its interaction with the environment. All of the above are correct answers. ( )Physiology is the study of the structure and shape of the body and its parts. the study of how the body and its parts function. the study of the body and its interaction with the environment. All of the above are correct answers. )Smooth muscle is an example of which level of structural organization) Tissue level. Organ level. Cellular level. Chemical level. ( )Which system regulates the acid-base balance of the blood The endocrine system. The urinary system. The lymphatic system. The cardiovascular system. ( )Organ systems are NOT described as which of these statements They act independently of each other. They function together to ensure wellness of the organism. They are groups of organs with a common function. They can share organs with other systems. )The passing of blood through the body is part of which body function) Growth. Metabolism. Responsiveness. Movement. ( )The simplest level of organization on the structural ladder is the tissue level. organ level. cellular level. chemical level. ( )Which of the following systems is involved in maintaining the boundaries of the body so that the inside remains distinct from the outside Respiratory. Lymphatic. Integumentary. Endocrine. )Metabolism is best described as) the ability to transform substances into energy for the body. the sum of the chemical reactions


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