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IELTS 基础阅读 第二讲 昆明新东方学校国外考试部 读句子 文化造成的误会 【农场里的鸡有的被抓去做鸡精,有的被拿去煮鸡汤,最后他们都死了。 】 中国的女孩很好看,眼睛好看,下巴好看,走路着也好看,我很想和她们交朋友,可她们的男朋友总是虎视眈眈着我们,没办法,于是忍痛割爱了。 文化差别之具体与抽象 文化差别之具体与抽象 文化差别之行文规则 中文 意思联系就行 英文 形式上也要有联系 王昌龄之【闺怨】: 闺中少妇不知愁,春日凝妆上翠楼; 忽见陌头杨柳色,悔教夫婿觅封侯。 微观句子之间的关系靠连词起承转合 I started to play table-tennis in middle school, still play it now. I started to play table-tennis in middle school, and I still play it now. TV becomes an important part in our daily life. we cannot live without it. TV becomes an important part in out daily life, because we cannot live without it. 连词=路标词 阅读误区二:无重点的读 (忽视路标词) 雅思考试中常见的逻辑关系: 并列 转折 举例 因果 对比 AND AND A=as N=no D=difference 并列关系 AND A and B, A or B,? A as well as B, not only A but (also) B 例 新东方大多数年轻老师都是美女和_____ A. 野兽 B.帅哥 C.北京烤鸭 D.许建军/李很俊 一致 雅思真题猜词 … so that they are distributed in both the most just and most efficient way, is not a new one.(剑4,T4,R). The most just A. 只有,仅仅 B。公正的 阅读中的熟词生意 benefit address literacy problem now. Pepper and salt pepper him with questions to build upon correct ideas and to displace misconceptions A。改变错误观念 B. 改变正确观念 一致 同类 词义一致 词性一致 结构一致 剑4 Test 1表格题Q19 Q: exceptional in 19____________ and good in air-water interface( 水与空气的交界面 ). 雅思真题 雅思真题并列 Either…or His shirt was clean, but his shoes were grubby. (Antonyms)反义词 路标词: but, yet, while, although, however, whereas, nevertheless, on the contrary, in contrast instead, instead of, rather than, on the other hand, or, More 例句 雅思真题 We did not have time to read the whole novel, so the teacher prepared a synopsis for us. (Cause and Effect) 因果关系 路标词: 原因:due to / thanks to / owing to / because (of) /on account of / since(因为) / result from(由于) / be attributed to (归因于) 结果: lead (up) to (导致) / give rise to (引起) / as a result / result in (导致) / thus/ hence / consequently (因此) / in effect (有 效) / therefore/hence 真题剑3, T2, R3 雅思真题阅读/对比 雅思真题句子解剖 1.The problem is not a new one. 2. The problem of health-care resour


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