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本 科 毕 业 设 计 (论 文) 半煤水中间热交换器设计 Half coal water heat exchanger design 学 院: 机械工程学院 专业班级: 过程装备与控制工程 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 2015 年 6月 毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 半煤水中间热交换器设计 摘 要:换热器是在化工、食品、能源、制药等许多工业部门广泛使用的一种设备。不同的行业中的企业对换热器投资所占的比重不尽相同。比如在化工厂中,换热设备占到总投资的10%~20%左右,而在炼油厂中能够占到将近35%~40%。我们国家现在追求可持续发展,换热器可以将工厂生产的余热、低级热收集起来,这样能够起到节约能源的作用。 换热器按照不同的传热方式或传热原理可以分为以下几类:直接接触式换热器、蓄热式换热器、间壁式换热器和中间载热体式换热器等。其中间壁式换热器是运用最广泛的换热器。间壁式换热器主要有管式换热器和板面式换热器几类。我们研究的课题属于管式换热器中的浮头式换热器。浮头式换热器与其他类型的换热器相比,它的浮头端相对于壳体可以自由移动,这样不产生热应力。另外,浮头式换热器的管间和管内清洗比较方便。因此浮头式换热器适用于温差较大或壳程介质易结垢的场合。 关键词:换热器;化工;浮头式换热器;换热器分类 毕业设计(论文)外文摘要 Half coal water heat exchanger design Abstract: ?heat exchanger is used in chemical, food, energy, pharmaceutical and many other industries widely used a device. Different industries, the proportion of people to invest in heat exchanger are not the same. Such as in chemical plant, the heat exchange equipment accounted for a total investment of 10% ~ 10%, and in the refinery can be accounted for nearly 35% ~ 40%. Our country now the pursuit of sustainable development, the heat exchanger can be collected factory production of waste heat, low heat; it can have the effect of saving energy. Heat exchanger according to the different way of heat transfer or heat transfer principle can be divided into the following categories: direct contact heat exchanger, regenerative heat exchanger, recuperative heat exchanger and heat transfer between heat exchanger in style, etc. The recuperative heat exchanger is the most widely used heat exchanger. Recuperative heat exchanger mainly includes tube heat exchanger and plate heat exchanger categories. Our research topic belongs to the floating head heat exchanger tube heat exchanger. Compared with other types of heat exchanger floating head heat exchanger, hypoxia at it’s for shell can move freely, so do not produce therma


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