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Instructor: Karen Delgado (2002 Science Teacher Workshop participant) School District: Union Township, NJ (Hunterdon County) Lesson Title: Nuclear Power Plant Subtitle: Internet Activity Grades: 7,8 Subject: Science Overview: Students will use an Internet source to locate the website: Marshall Brain’s HowStuffWorks. () Using a teacher-created worksheet as a guide, the student will read portions of the article, view animations and photographs, and answer questions. Objectives: To understand the relationship between nuclear reactions and their role in generating electricity. Students will use technology for research purposes. Students will use previous knowledge to make inferences about how a power plant might work and the concerns of the general public regarding the operation of these power plants. Students will read for content. Students will use study skills--skimming, following directions, notetaking, etc. Students will formulate conclusions based on their research and compare and contrast them to inferences made prior to research. Students will use vocabulary and concepts from previous lessons. Students will gain knowledge of the process of generating electricity, especially as related to the unit on nuclear energy. Students will have a better understanding of the positive contributions made by our nuclear power plants. Students will be able to recognize the risk vs. advantages of using nuclear power to generate electricity. Students will be able to distinguish between fact and myth regarding fears and misconceptions about nuclear power plants. Evaluation: Review of worksheet for accuracy. (May be done as an oral group activity, with students correcting their answers, as needed.) Teacher evaluation of student writing. Diagrams of Oyster Creek Nuclear Reactor (from: Nuclear Energy: Brought to You by GPU, located in the Teacher Workshop CD) Materials and Resources: Provides articles such as: How Power Distribution Grids Work; How Nuclear Power Works


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