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International Comparison program International Comparison of Cost for the Construction Sector Identification of Construction systems and components for the bocc approach Report Submitted to: The World Bank Group February 2005 Prepared by: Kenneth Walsh, Ph.D., P.E. Anil Sawhney, Ph.D. Opinions expressed in this report are those of the authors and not necessarily of the World Bank. INTERNATIONAL COMPARISON OF COST FOR THE CONSTRUCTION SECTOR Table of Contents Define Construction Systems 1 Construction Systems for Residential Sub-sector 3 Construction Systems for Non-Residential Sub-sector 4 Construction Systems for the Civil Engineering Works Sub-sector 5 Define Construction Components 14 Define System Weights 18 BOCC Weights 18 Procedure for Calculating W2 18 Example Application of Procedure for Calculating System Weights 20 Implications: 23 INTERNATIONAL COMPARISON OF COST FOR THE CONSTRUCTION SECTOR List of figures Figure 1: Three Sub-sectors for the Construction Sector 1 Figure 2: System to Components Association for Residential and Non-Residential Baskets 15 Figure 3: System to Components Association for Residential and Non-Residential Baskets 16 Figure 4: System to Components Association for Residential and Non-Residential Baskets 16 Figure 5: System to Components Association for Civil Engineering Basket 17 Figure 6: System to Components Association for Civil Engineering Basket 17 Figure 7: BOCC Weights 18 INTERNATIONAL COMPARISON OF COST FOR THE CONSTRUCTION SECTOR List of Tables Table 1: Description of Residential Buildings Sub-sector 1 Table 2: Description of the Non-Residential Buildings Sub-Sector 2 Table 3: Description of the Civil Engineering Works Sub-Sector 2 Table 4: Construction Systems for the Residential Sub-sector 3 Table 5: Construction Systems for the Non-Residential Sub-sector 4 Table 6: Projects under Water and Sewer Line Construction 6 Table 7: Projects under Oil and Gas Pipeline Construction 7 T



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