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Into the Wild Study Questions NOTE: Read the italicized blurbs before each chapter. Author’s Note What is the date when the story opens? To where did the young man hitchhike? What do moose hunters discover 4 months later? For what magazine does Krakauer report the story of the boy’s death? What is the boy’s name? Where did the boy grow up? What had the boy excelled in? What college did the boy attend and when did he graduate? What did McCandless do when he “dropped out of sight”? What did McCandless wander across North America in search of? When did Krakauer’s article appear in Outside? What did Krakauer spend a year doing? What other subjects did Krakauer reflect on? What warning does Krakauer give the reader? Whose writing captivated McCandless? What did McCandless admire about this writer? How many weeks did McCandless’s ordeal last? What were the divergent viewpoints regarding the Outside article? What will Krakauer leave the reader to form? Chapter 1: THE ALASKA INTERIOR Who picks up the hitchhiker? What is the hitchhiker’s name at this point? What object draws the attention of the driver? Where does the hitchhiker say he is from? What does the hitchhiker look like? Where does Alex want to go? What does Gallien notice about Alex’s backpack? What does Gallien state about outsiders’ views of Alaska? What was the only food Alex admitted to carry in his backpack? What was the only navigational aid Alex possessed? Where does Alex intend to go? What did Gallien try to do? What, according to Gallien, did Alex have an answer for? What did Gallien offer? Who knew of Alex’s plans to head west? When was the last time Alex spoke to his family? What did Alex insist on giving Gallien? What was Alex going to do if Gallien did not take his offer? What did Alex ask Gallien to take a photo of? What is the date at the time? What did Gallien consider doing after he left Alex? Chapter 2: THE STAMPEDE TRAIL Identify the following literary device: “On the northern margin of


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