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ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 35 – User Interfaces SC35N1381final draft ISO ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION CEI (IEC) COMMISSION éLECTROTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONALE INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION Document type Working Document – Preparatory draft (NP) Title Preparatory work done prior to the NP proposal on ISO/IEC 9995-9 – Multilingual, Multiscript Keyboard Group Layouts Source Karl Pentzlin Source edited by Alain LaBonté, JTC1/SC35/WG1 convenor, during the Berlin WG1 meeting, with agreement of all experts Date assigned 2009-02-19 (this header revised 2009-03-21 after a 1-month WG1 expert consultation – body text marked up on February 19, and unmodified since then) Status To be submitted as initial Working Draft alongside with the new work item proposal Action Identifier For comments accompanying NP ballot Preparatory work done prior to the NP proposal on ISO/IEC 9995-9 – Multilingual, Multiscript Keyboard Group Layouts Draft Version 2 – 2009-02-17 Karl Pentzlin ( and JTC1/SC35/WG1 Note: If this document is supplied in Microsoft Word? or RTF format, the following fonts must be installed to read this document correctly (all fonts are obtainable for free at least by a non-commercial license; the version numbers listed are the minimum version numbers): Cardo (version 0.98) from: /cardofnt.html DejaVu Sans, DejaVu Sans Mono, DejaVu Serif (all version 2.26) from: /wiki/index.php/Main_Page Ezra SIL SR (version 2.5.1) from: /cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsiitem_id=EzraSIL_Home Mars-Fraktur (TrueType) from (page in German): RomanCyrillic Std (version 2008-04-20) from: Note: This First Working Draft is based on a paper presented at the SC35 meeting at Naples in September 2008, entitled An alternative to the current ISO/IEC 9995-3. Enclosed in [[double bracke


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