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作文写作步骤 审题----列提纲 ----写作 ----检查 1审题:弄清文章各段主题 2列提纲:确定支持主题句的事实/理由,列出文章整体结构 3写作:将提纲扩展成句 *主题句要明确、完整,最保险的办法是将中文提纲各句译成英语 *论据要充分、有说服力,用英语表达不清的就换成别的 4检查: a删不相关内容 b加过渡词 c换重复过多的词/短语 d查人称、时态、语态、拼写、大小写、标点 [注意]不要在主题结构上做较大改动 四级作文范文(一) 问题解决类 作文套路(描述现象+分析原因/列举利弊+提出个人看法/解决措施) 第一段:描述现象 Nowadays, we have to face the problem that句子。 / Nowadays, more and more people are concerned about the problem of短语。/Nowadays, it is important to face the problem of 短语。 第二段 写法(一):分析原因I think there are possibly three major reasons for the … First (of all), … Second, … Third, … 写法(二):列举利弊In fact, ….will do great harm to the development of ….because …. For one thing, …. For another, …. 第三段:提出个人看法/解决措施 People have figured out many ways to solve the problem of …. / Confronted with the problem, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. On (the) one hand,…. One the other hand, …. 二、要求背诵范文 06/6四级真题 Choosing Teachers 1、有些大学允许学生自由选择某些课程的任课老师。 2、学生选择老师时所考虑的主要因素是…… 3、学生自选任课老师的益处及可能产生的问题。As the proverb says, “Knowledge is power.” It is an undeniable fact that a large number of students prefer to choose their own teachers for certain courses. In fact, some universities allow their students to do so. [主题句]When choosing a teacher, students may take some factors into consideration. 扩展句1On one hand, a learned teacher is preferred. 进一步阐述扩展句After all, for a student, study is given full priority. A teacher with plentiful knowledge can ease the burden of study for many students and provide them with many opportunities for enlarging their scope of knowledge, while at the same time realizing their potentials. 扩展句2On the other hand, a teacher with a clear and humorous teaching style is favorable. 进一步阐述扩展句To a large extent, whether a lecture is welcomed by the students or not depends on the way of delivering rather than its content. No one can deny that interesting interaction is far more enjoyable than monologue. [主题句]There is a good side and a bad side to everything, inclu


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