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Act Ⅰ --What’s the matter with this doll? --She’s got an earache.She can’t hear me. --Let me see. --Oh,it doesn’t matter. She’ll be OK in two days. --Really?Thank you,doctor. What’s the matter with this doll? What’s the problem with this doll? What’s wrong with this doll? really [ri?li] adv. 真正地 Act Ⅱ ---What’s the matter with you? Have you got a toothache? ---Yes.I can’t eat sweet food. ---Let me have a look. OK,you’ve got a bad tooth. I can pull out the bad tooth for you. ---Does it hurt? ---No,it doesn’t.Come on!You are a big boy now. ---OK!Please do it slowly. ---Yes,I will. ---Thank you. hurt [h?:t] vi. 受疼痛 Act Ⅲ --What’ the matter with you? --I’ve got a stomachache. --Did you eat something this morning? --Yes,I ate two burgers and two eggs,and had a glass of cold milk. --I see.You’ve eaten too much. You’ll be OK. --Can I eat lunch?It’s lunch time now! --Yes,but only a little. Act Ⅳ --What’s the matter with you? ---I’m running a temperature. ---Let me see.Yes,you’ve got a cold. Did you cough last night? ---Yes,I did.I coughed all night. ---All right,then,I’ll give you some medicine.You’ll feel fine. ---Doctor,can I go out and play football today? ---No,you can’t.You must stay in bed for a day or two. Drink a lot of water. ---Thank you,doctor. medicine [medisin] n. 药 be ill in bed She is ill in bed 她生病在床。 生病在床 homework 1,背part1的Act1和Act2 2,查part1的Act3和Act4(背),part3的生单词,写5遍 3,背单词单21-40 What’s the matter? 2.look,read and match. a stomach ache an earache a headache a cold a cough a temperature a toothache stomach [st?m?k] n. 胃 ache [eik] n. 痛 earache [i?reik] n. 耳痛 headache [hedeik] n. 头痛 cold [k?uld] n. 感冒 cough [k?f] n. 咳嗽 temperature [temp?rit??] n. 温度,发烧 fever[fi:v?] n. 发烧 homework 1,笔记5遍 2,预习part1,的前两个对话,背下来 3,准备明天上圣诞课的节目。 3.Read and answer. A little monkey at the zoo fell out of a tree and hurt his arm. I had a headache. I hurt my arm. I hurt my leg. Mary,the


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