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There stands a camphor tree in front of my house.? ?我家门前有一棵香樟树。? There comes a Land Rover.? ??开来一辆路虎。? There occurred a sudden change in her marriage.? ??她的婚姻突然发生了变故。? There remained a credit risk in this investment.? ??在这个投资上仍然存在着信用风险。? There followed a series of chain reaction.? ??接下来是一系列连锁反应。? * 句型“There + be + 主语 +定语/状语/同位语”, 用以表达在某处或某时“存在”某人某物。其中, there 仅为引导词, 并无实际意义; be 与其后的主语在人称和数上保持一致, 有时态和情态变化。如: There will be a meeting tomorrow. 明天有场会议。 There used to be a well in the village. 村里过去有一口井。 此句型有时不用be动词, 而用 live, stand, come, go, lie, remain, exist等不及物动词。如: There ______ the Statue of Liberty at New York Harbour. 自由女神像矗立在纽约港口。 【注意】 stands ▲There be句型的扩展: 1. There + be + 主语+(for sb) to do _________still many things __________. 我们还有很多的事情要做。 for us to do There are 2. There + be + 主语+ 现在分词 __________ many students ___________ ____________. 有很多学生持相反意见。 There’s a river _____________________. 有条河在这座城市里流过。 There were holding an opposite view flowing through the city 3. There + be + 主语+ 过去分词 There were trees ______________ all over the mountain. 满山都是学生们种的树。 ___________a ceremony ______________ ___________. 将有场为促销而设的庆典。 planted by students There will be intended to promote the sales 4. There + be + 主语+ 定语从句/同位语从句 There are________________________. 有很多人不同意。 ___________ a rule_________________ ___________________ during working hours. 有条规定要求教师在工作时间里呆在学校。 many people who don’t agree There exists/is that all teachers should stay at school ▲不同时态、情态的there be句型: there used to be ...曾经有……(但现在 没有了) 2. there is/are going to be ...将有…… 3. There has been ...已有…… 4. there happens to be ...碰巧有…… 5. there seem(s)/ appear(s) to be ...好像有…… 6. there is/are likely to be很可能有…… 7. there must be ...一定有…… 强化训练:there be结构专练 根据汉语句子完成英文句子, 或用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. 曾有一位非常勤劳的农夫。 _________________________who worked very hard. There was once a farmer 2


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