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* Findings in Disease Studies * Research and Development of Drugs * Medical Device and Technology * Medical Policy * Focus on the Tendency of Medical Companies * Biomedical MCanxixun Information and News Service Contents Findings In Disease Studies(疾病研究成果) 4 Gene therapy used to treat pulmonary dysfunction in Pompe disease 4 用于治疗糖原贮积病-II型的肺功能不全的基因疗法 5 Lowering systolic blood pressure would save more than 100,000 lives per year, study finds 5 研究发现,降低收缩血压每年可挽救超过100000人的性命 6 The death of Chinese actor Qiao Renliang triggers social concern of depression 7 乔任梁意外死亡 引发社会对抑郁症关注 8 Cat-scratch disease cases getting more serious 8 猫虽可爱,可不要贪恋哦-猫抓病势头严重 9 The conjoined twins who even have matching BEAUTY spots: Rabia and Rukia face agonising 2-year wait to see if doctors can separate their heads 9 孟加拉国连体婴 需等上2年才能进行手术 10 Cardiovascular diseases declared top killer of Chinese citizens 10 心血管疾病成为中国公民第一大杀手 11 What is Pneumonia and How Do You Get it? 11 小小症状愁煞人:肺炎常识知多少? 12 Rotten egg gas could help protect diabetics from heart complications 12 臭鸡蛋气(硫化氢)能帮助糖尿病患者预防心脏并发症 13 Serendipitous finding leads scientists to propose mechanism to explain benign prostatic hyperplasia 14 偶然的发现令科学家提出了解释良性前列腺增生的机制 16 When silencing phantom noises is a matter of science 17 当消除幻听成为了一个科学问题 18 Food allergies: Allergic to soy? 20 食物过敏:对大豆过敏? 22 Man with severe facial deformities which give him ’alien-like’ features is hoping for life-changing surgery 23 还在嫌弃自己脸蛋?!看了他的照片之后你便知道自己有多幸运了~ 23 Be Careful of Ten Holiday Diseases 24 假期来临,当心十种假期疾病 24 Timing Is Everything: When to Eat to Lose Weight 25 谁说减肥就意味着节食,不吃饱哪来力气减肥?不仅得吃,还得看啥时候吃 25 Police examine IV drip bags in search for clues at hospital wracked by suspicious deaths 26 日本医院发生“毒点滴”杀人事件,疑致48人死亡 27 Why HUNGER is more motivating than thirst, anxiety or fear: Lab mice would put their lives in danger for food 27 怪不得减肥这么难,原来事情是这样的… … 28 Drug Information(药物信息) 28 Novum Pharma faces spot of bother over $10,000 price tag for acne cream 28 美国惊现天价皮肤病药膏 29


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