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Para. 24 The main idea? Sullen—indignant愠怒愠怒 Inquisitive—curious, appearing to inquire Ex. IV A-11 Wide-eyed: with the eyes opened widely, as because of surprise, fear, lack of sophistication, etc. I saw how it was. I understand the reason why. This is the result of colonization Paragraph 26 Ex.III-15 Paraphrase: Every white man there had this thought stowed somewhere or other in his mind. Every white man,the onlookers,the officers on their horses and the white NCOs.marching with the black soldiers,had this thought hidden somewhere or other in his mind. Ex IV-A-12 chargers: horses ridden in battle or on parade NCO : noncommissioned officers 军士,士官 Column 队列,队伍,纵队, 羊群 A column is a group of people or animals which moves in a long line; a long moving line of people or things There were reports of columns of military vehicles appearing on the streets. File 纵列,纵队 line of people who are standing or walking one behind the other file of  a file of soldiers marching in step (步伐整齐) a line of people or things, one behind the other: They set off in file behind the teacher. The causes of their poverty 1. Colonialization All colonial empires are in reality founded upon this fact (para.1; 17) 2. Racial discrimination The people have brown faces -- besides there are so many of them (para.3 ) He is the same colour as the earth, … (para.16) 3. Black peoples ignorance He showed his profound respect to his enemy. He ... has feelings of reverence before a white skin Only the Negroes didnt know it“ 4. Poor natural conditions Language 1. simple words, simple statements to convey deeper meaning 2. the use of rhetorical questions which is very effective in conveying his anger 3. terse?(精练的) , lucid(明白易懂的) prose style. 4. good diction?(措辞) Exercise VI 1.chant:words repeated in a monotonous tone of voice 2.navvy:abbreviation of “navigator”,a British word meaning an unskilled laborer,as on canals,roads,etc. 3.Stow:put or hide away in a safe place 4.wa


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