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* Turn Left, Turn Right. Ji Mi Winter in that year is specially cold, The whole city covers with dank rain. The ash covers all the sky, sunlight disappear, making people feel difficult to express upset, Usually walk along the street you may feel there is a kind of impulse for weeping …… 那年的冬天特别寒冷, 整个城市笼罩在阴湿的雨里。 灰蒙蒙的天空,迟迟不见着阳光, 让人感到莫名的沮丧, 常常走在街上就有一种落泪的冲动…… In the same apartment …… 在同一栋公寓里…… She always habitual of first to leftwards walk. He always habitual of first to rightwards walk. October 6 Clear weather 她住在城市郊区的一栋旧公寓大楼里,每次出门,不管去哪里,总是习惯性的先向左走。 他住在城市郊区的一栋旧公寓大楼里,每次出门,不管去哪里,总是习惯性的先向右走。 The sunlight is continuously floated on October 15 of the cloud, the ray in the house is suddenly clearly and suddenly dark. 10月15日 阳光被不断飘过的云朵遮住,屋内的光线忽明忽暗。 他从不曾遇见她。 pull a piano to earn some extra income October 28 Clear weather 他近来不是过的很好,晚上偶尔会到城市中的上流餐厅拉琴赚点外快。 While there being a kind of winter…… the emotions will turndown …… November 7 Damp 不练琴时,他喜欢在外面闲晃,绕到城里的公园去喂鸽子,常常呆坐整个下午。 November 11 Cold wind November 19 The sunlight in the winter pulls shadow very long, very long…… 她习惯向左走,他习惯向右走,他们始终不相遇。 November 23 The color of the sky is dark quickly, not until 5 o’clock, the sky is filled with darkness. 他正在翻译一本悲惨的小说,让她常常觉得世界一片灰暗。 December 2 The decorous bank of clouds is floating…… 不工作时,她喜欢逛到城里喝杯咖啡,在街上散步,看来往的行人,和路边的野猫说话。 December 10 The sun come out, but inside the house make her feel specially damp. 有时候她会感到人生乏味。 December 20 It is going to rain. 就像城市里的大多数人一样,一辈子也不会认识,却一直生活在一起…… December 22 The sun is tiny to show face, but dark cloud is crowded on the top of the hill. 于是有一天,他们在公园里的喷水池前相遇了。 他们有如失散多年的恋人 They look like a pair of lovers separated for many years. 他们渡过了一个快乐又甜蜜的下午。 They had a happy and sweet afternoon. 黄昏时,突然下起倾盆大雨。 他们匆忙留下彼此的电话号码,仓皇的在大雨中分手。 At sunset, a sudden rainstorm. They exchanged phone numbers and said a hurried goodbye. 他还是习惯性的向右走…?????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ? ?????????????????? He is still used to running on the right…


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