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h News s i l g E n Test focus of Teaching Designer: Eagle (徐鹰) Foreign Languages Department, E-mei Campus Southwest Jiaotong University 这一页的内容突出新闻题材/主题多样!!!!!!!!!!!!! 根据TEM-4历年考题中新闻主题考查频率由高至低可归纳为: 1. 国际关系 2. 灾难新闻 3. 犯罪新闻 4. 民生调查 5. 政治新闻 6. 经济新闻 7. 其他类新闻 1.国际关系 两国矛盾 经济援助 经济制裁 两国建交 联盟协议 …… 结构上第一句话点明主旨,紧接着陈述细节。 内容多着重于讲述国际关系的变化的前因后果、进程、达成的共识等。 考查范围较多的为细节题、主旨题、数字题。 eg. A joint committee will soon seek further cooperation between Egypt and Spain in industry,trade,investment and science and technology. Egyptian economic sources said the two sides will discuss the possibility of setting up a joint business council when the Egyptian - Spanish higher committee meets in the first half of September in Madrid,Spain. The business council is aimed at balancing bilateral trade by expanding trade volume. Questions: (1)The joint committee will promote co -operation between Egypt and Spain in all the following areas EXCEPT __________. (2)What is this news item mainly about? 解题技巧: 针对此类新闻应该尽可能抓住新闻导语, 特别关注于新闻细节部分给出的并列成分。 常用句型有: “...signed an agreement to...”; “the agreement has to be approved by...”; “tensions were raised...because...”等。 2.灾难新闻 暴力事件 恐怖袭击 沉船事件、空难等 地震、水灾、泥石流等自然灾害 此类新闻通常要突现灾难是否具有可预测性、可防性或安全意外性,以及天灾性与人为性等基本特征。 灾难程度和常发频率是报道的核心,抗灾或救护及国际社会的反应等是后续观察点。 考点多为细节题、数字题、主旨题,特别是数字和细节题。 Eg. Storms sank two river ferries in southern Bangladesh on Sunday and some 90 passengers were reported missing while at least another 68 died. One of the packed ferries carrying around 150people capsized early on Sunday on the Meghna river and 50 were rescued. A second ferry sank on the same river just one kilometer away leaving 40 passengers missing after 6 were rescued. Questions: (1)Altogether how many people were reported missing (2)Which of the following details is INCORRECT? 解题技巧: 关注事件发生的地点和时间,以及事件所造成的伤亡人数,经济损失。 相关词汇 volcano eruption火山爆发 flood洪灾 tsunami海啸 mudslide泥石流 sandstorm沙尘暴 earthquake地震 drought 干旱 tornado 龙卷风 plague 瘟疫 aircrash 空难 terrorist attack 恐怖袭击 suic


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