Process-centric views of data-driven business artifacts.pdf

Process-centric views of data-driven business artifacts.pdf

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Process-centric views of data-driven business artifacts.pdf

Journal of Computer and System Sciences 86 (2017) 82–107 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Computer and System Sciences /locate/jcss Process-centric views of data-driven business artifacts ? Adrien Koutsos a, Victor Vianu b,c,? a ENS Cachan, France b UC San Diego, United States c INRIA-Saclay, France article info Article history: Received 16 October 2015 Received in revised form 24 June 2016 Accepted 21 November 2016 Available online 16 January 2017 Keywords: Work?ows Data-aware Process-centric Views abstract Declarative, data-aware work?ow models are becoming increasingly pervasive. While these have numerous bene?ts, classical process-centric speci?cations retain certain advantages. Work?ow designers are used to development tools such as BPMN or UML diagrams, that focus on control ?ow. Views describing valid sequences of tasks are also useful to provide stakeholders with high-level descriptions of the work?ow, stripped of the accompanying data. In this paper we study the problem of recovering process-centric views from declarative, data-aware work?ow speci?cations in a variant of IBM’s business artifact model. We focus on the simplest process-centric views, speci?ed by ?nite-state transition systems, describing regular languages. The results characterize when process-centric views of artifact systems are regular, using both linear and branching-time semantics. We also study the impact of data dependencies on regularity of the views. As a side effect, we obtain several new results on veri?cation of business artifacts, including a decidability result for branching-time properties. ? 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Data-driven work?ows have become ubiquitous in a variety of application domains, including business, government, science, health-care, social networks [42], crowdsourcing [6,7], etc. Such work?ows resulted from an evolution away from the traditional process-centric approach towards data-awareness. A notable exponen



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