M3Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note教学资料word study for unit 3new.pptVIP

M3Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note教学资料word study for unit 3new.ppt

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6. account 1). I’ m going to the bank to open a new account. Nobody could _____________his absence from school. He retired _____________poor health. account for on account of 7. seek 1). I think it’ s time that we ________ (seek) legal advice. 2). They are seeking ________ (change) the rules. sought to change seek happiness/comfort/wealth/success 追求幸福﹑安逸﹑财富、成功 8. amount 1). During the earthquake, a large amount of damage _______ (do) in a very short time. 2). Large amounts of money _______ (spend) rebuilding the temple. 3). At that time, small amounts of land _______ (use) for keeping animals. 4). Food was provided _______ _______ _______ (供应多少不等). 5). The total cost of repairs _______ _______ (共达) US$100. was done were spent were used in different amounts amounted to 9. scene“风景,景象”当作一个整体而看到的自然 风景,包括人和人的动作在内的情景 sight “风景,,名胜”某一地区值得观看的建筑 物、胜地、特色,常用复数 view “风景,,景色”从某一位置(窗口, 山顶)所看到scenery的一部分 The boats in the harbour make a beautiful_____. People go to Hangzhou to see West Lake, not city ____________ scene sighits A fine _______of the city can be obtained from the Tower of the Town Hall. view 1. bring up 1). He was ______ ______ ______ ______ authority (从小就受到尊敬师长的教育). 2). He ______ ______ a good suggestion at the meeting.提出 3). She was so sick that she ______ ______ all that she had had.呕吐 brought up to respect brought up brought up 三.重点词组 2.go ahead前进;干吧;说吧 1). After a pause, he ______ _______ with his speech. 2). The new bridge was completed _______ _______ _______.提前 3). _______ _______ _______ (径直向前走) for 200 meters and then turn left. 4). —— Could I use your bike? —— _______ _______. went ahead/on ahead of time Go straight ahead Go ahead 3. by accident 1). I was in such a hurry that I took someone else’ s umbrella ________.错拿 2). These toys are made ______ instead of ______, so they are very expensive. 手工 不是机器 3). She had found the file ______. 偶然


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