高中英语教学资料 m4u2 U2 oganic farming.pptVIP

高中英语教学资料 m4u2 U2 oganic farming.ppt

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Main idea of the passage Chemical fertilizers can cause many problems, so organic farming is becoming more popular. ORGANIC FARMING Structure of the text I using chemical fertilizers for a long time can hurt the land and also people’s health II Problem caused by chemical fertilizers 1. Damage the land by killing the helpful bacteria and pests as well as the harmful ones 2. Lead to cancer or other illness. 3. Food grown with chemical fertilizers look beautiful, but inside there is usually more water than vitamins and minerals. Ⅲ Organic farming is becoming more popular with some farmers and many customers after these discoveries came out. IV Other methods to keep the soil fertile. Exercise 3 manage to do promise, fail, hope, afford, plan 2. imagine doing enjoy, finish, mind, miss, keep 3. hate to do, hate doing try, stop, begin, forget, like, start Exercise 4 to see, learning, having, to experiment, trying out, to find out, to develop, to fail, owning, sending experiment with a new teaching method尝试 try out new ideas 试用,试验(机器) CHEMICAL OR ORGANIC FARMING? Unit 2 Using Language Reading on P.14 Look at the title and picture and predict the content. What do we put on the soil to makes crops grow better ? It is fertilizer (that we put on the soil ). How many kinds of fertilizers do farmers use ? There are two kinds. They are chemical fertilizers and natural ones. Which kind of fertilizer do farmers use when they are doing organic farming ? What’s organic farming ? ORGANIC FARMING is simply farming without using any chemicals. Main idea of the passage ____________________ can cause many problems, so __________________ is becoming more popular. Chemical fertilizers organic farming 1.over the past half century在过去的半个世纪 2.increase production 提高产量 3. long-term use of… 长期使用 4. cause damage to sth 对 造成损害 5.damage the land 破坏土地 6.build up 堆积,逐渐增强 7.lead t


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