高中英语必修2unit2教学资料 xiaoban.pptVIP

高中英语必修2unit2教学资料 xiaoban.ppt

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1. in search 2. is no doubt that for 3. survive the accident 4. well worth reading 5. doubt that 6. remains lose heart 7. nothing remained 8. couldn’t have seen 9. is considered 10. what had happened mystery 1. which 2. whom 3. when 4. to/ with whom 5. with which 6. with whom 7. of / about which 8. in which 9. of which 1. sank 2. entrance 3. valuable 4. informal 5. designed 6. rare 7. remove 8. former 9. reception 10. relics Line1 after- since Line2 them- us for – with Line3 去掉 in much Line4 staying- stay day- days Line5 fly- flew Line6 make 后加a better- more 伦敦眼(英文名:The London Eye) 伦敦眼(英文名:The London Eye),全称英国航空伦敦眼(The British Airways London Eye)又称千禧之轮,坐落在伦敦泰晤士河畔,是世界第四大摩天轮,是伦敦的地标之一,也是伦敦最吸引游人的观光点之一。伦敦眼于1999年年底开幕,总高度135米(443英尺)。伦敦眼共有32个乘坐舱,全部设有空调并不能打开窗。每个乘坐舱可载客约25名,回转速度约为每秒0.26米,即一圈需时30分钟。 查看精彩图册 Part 1 I . 1. cultural 2. valuable 3. survival 4. amazing/amazed 5. reception 6. wooden 7. latter 8. trial 9. explode 10. exit 11. enter 12. sail 13. formal 14. rise (sink sank sunk/sunk sunken, rise rose risen) II. 1. sank 2. informal 3. entrance 4. trial 5. former 6. reception 7. amazing 8. wooden 9. valuable 10. survive III.1. rare 2. belongs 3. honey 4. return 5. search 6. decorated 7. doubt 8. evidence 9. worth 10. designed IV. 1—5 ADCBA Part 2. I. 1. in the fancy style 2. decorate sth. with sth. 3. be used to / serve as 4. be designed for 5. a troop of best soldiers 6. add A to B. 7. at war 8. be put inside 9. wooden boxes 10. remain a mystery 11. There is no doubt that … 12. be worth doing II. 略 III. 1—5 ACCCC 6—8 BCD III.1—5 BADCC 6—10 CAABB 11—15 DACDB Part 3 I. 1—5 ACBBC 6—10 BAABA 11—15 BCDBD 16—19 DDDB II. 1. remains 2. keep 3. stay 4. remained 5. considered 6. treat/treated 7. regarded/ considered III. 1. nothing remained 2. taking, apart 3. were at war 4. remove, from, which IV. Line 1: spend ---- to spend Line 2: where ---- t


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