高中英语教学资料 M4U3 M4 U3 grammar.pptVIP

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be particular about…对…挑剔 on one occasion 有一次, 曾经 on occasion 有时 on this/ that occasion 这/那次 slide into / out of 溜进/出 slide sth into/ out of悄悄地把某物放进/拿出 adj. be amused by/ at 对… 觉得好笑 keep sb amused使某人快乐 v. amuse sb with/ by 用… 娱乐某人 n. to one’s amusement 使某人感到好笑的事 react to 回应 react against 反对 react with 与… 起反应 react on 对…起作用 keep to sth 遵守 keep back阻止前进 keep away 远离 keep on 继续 keep out 留在外面 1. play on words, 玩文字游戏 2. in the open air, 在户外 3. in a mountainous area,在多山地区 4.in a whisper, 小声的 5. pay attention to, 注意 6. think of, 认为 7. be angry about, 生气 8. in a sense, 在某种意义上 9.pick up , 捡起 10. go camping, 去野营11.react to , 回应 12. bring out , 使…明显 13.try a third time试第三次 4 with 的复合结构 With time going by, he began making films. With so many people looking at her, she felt nervous. p21 Ex 2 making directing acting picking out joining entertaining interesting 1 go camping, 2 in the open air, 3 in a mountainous area, 4 in a whisper, 5 pay attention to, 6 think of, 7 be angry about, 8 in a sense, 9 pick up , 10 play on words , 11react to , 12 bring out , 13 try a third time Unit3 Grammar v-ing form bore astonishment humour perform performer/ performance contentment fortune verb noun content humour astonish bore charm entertainment charm entertain bored, boring astonishing humorous performing contented, content fortunate Adverb Adjective fortunately contentedly humorously astonishingly boringly charming entertaining charmingly entertainingly In the 1990s, Mr. Bean became a star using mime to highlight difficult social situations much as Charlie Chaplin had done. His method of acting was to appear _________, look around and then do exactly the wrong thing. Children particularly would burst into _______ at his behavior. He always managed to _______ those things th


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