高中英语教学资料 M5 U4 Learning about language.pptVIP

高中英语教学资料 M5 U4 Learning about language.ppt

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v. 呈送,提交; 主张;屈服 He submitted his proposal for urban development to the city council. 他将城市发展建议提交市议会。 Well submit ourselves to the courts judgments. 我们将听从法庭的裁决。 submit 一般和介词to搭配: She submits to her boyfriend. 她总是听她男朋友的。 submit的过去式和过去分词: t 要双写: submitted n. 业余从事者 adj. 业余的;外行的,不熟练的 Our actors were all enthusiastic amateurs. 我们的演员都是热情的业余爱好者。 The pictures were taken by an amateur photographer. 这些照片是一位业余摄影师拍的。 adj. 不平常的, 与众不同的 It was not unusual for me to come home late. 回家晚对我来说是不稀奇的。 He is an unusual child. 他是个与众不同的孩子。 反义词:usual as usual 像往常一样 As usual, she had bread and egg for breakfast. 她照例吃面包和鸡蛋作早餐。 They were going to meet as usual. 他们会像往常一样见面。 n. 编辑,主笔 My sister is an editor for a local newspaper. 我姐姐是当地一家报社的编辑。 He bargained with the editor for a hundred dollars per thousand words. 他与主笔讲价,要100元1000字。 vt. 估计;评估;评价 The value of this property was assessed at one million dollars. 这财产的价值估定为一百万元。 It is too early to assess the effects of the new legislation. 现在来评价新法规的效果为时尚早。 3. Complete the passage using the words below in the correct form. sceptical deadline colleague publish dilemma photograph delighted meanwhile assist submit amateur unusual assistant editor assess My first assignment was as a(an) _________ to a famous fashion _____________, who was going to take photos of a model by the name of Wang Li. I felt _________ as I was to ______ him. We had not gone far assistant photographer delighted assist sceptical deadline colleague publish dilemma photograph delighted meanwhile assist submit amateur unusual assistant editor assess when our ______ called. “Be sure to finish your task before the ________.” My ________ laughed. “He wants to concentrate on the time because I’ve missed deadlines before,” he said to me. When we arrived, we found Wang Li was extremely charming. deadline colleague editor sceptical deadline colleague publish dilemm


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