辽宁本溪满族自治县高级中学高中英语 Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines学案(无答案)外研版必修2.doc

辽宁本溪满族自治县高级中学高中英语 Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines学案(无答案)外研版必修2.doc

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Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines Introduction and Vocabulary (第1课时) 1. match v. 使...相配;与...竞争, 相配 n. 火柴;比赛 1)match…with… 和……一致,和……相配 2)比得上,敌得过 ________ the words in line A _______ the numbered sentences in line B. 把A列中的词语与B列中标号的句子连线。 No one can _______ her in tennis. 在打网球上,无人能与她匹敌。 _________a match 划一根火柴 a box of _________一盒火柴 a _______ football __________ 一场现场直播的足球赛 2.work on 1)从事(某工作); 2对……产生影响/起作用 He has spent the last two years working on a book about childcare._____________ His way of doing things doesnt work on me. __________________ 短语链接:___________ ________解出;制定(计划);锻炼__________ ______ 担当,担任 3. add… to.. 把…加入… Do you want to________your name ______the list? 你想要把名字加到列表中吗? 短语链接:________________总共有(结果) __________________= increase 增加 ________________ 加起来(动作) He expressed his satisfaction, _______________ _______(补充道) he enjoyed his stay here. 4. other adj. 其他的;别的 辨析 another, the other, others, the others, other (1) We study Chinese, maths, English and _________ lessons. (其他的) (2) I don’t want this bag. Please give me _____________ one. (另一个) (3) I will stay here for ____________ three weeks. 我将在这里再待三周。 = I will stay here for three _________ weeks. (4) There are six people in the room. Four are girls, ___________ two are boys. (其余的) (5) Some are singing and dancing, some are drawing, _________ are climbing the hill. (还有一些人) (6) Of the six, one went home and ___________ went to the cinema. (其余的人) 短语链接: 一方面…另一方面 ____________________________ 彼此,互相 _____________ 一个接一个地,相继地___________________________ 除了,不同于______________ 5. aboard prep adv. 在船(飞机,火车,公共汽车)上 =_____________ 辨析: board,broad, aboard, abroad (1) We went ___________. 我们上了船(或飞机﹑ 车等) (2) All passengers ___________fell into the river. 船上所有乘客皆落入河中。 (3) I’ll write it up on the ____________.我会把它写在黑板上。 (4) After nearly five years living ___________, Jack returned to China. (5) The hills rise green and sheer above the ___________river. 群山青翠,陡然屹立于宽阔的河上。 6



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