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中小学英语教师课堂用语规范化探讨 浙江外国语学院 夏国建 中小学英语教师课堂用语规范化探讨 1.当前中小学英语教师使用课堂用语中存在的一些问题 2.英语课堂用语在教学实践中的具体用法举例 2.1 教学辅助型 2.2 教学环节型 2.3 教学内容型 2.4 教学形式型 2.5 教学功能型 3.使用规范化的课堂用语应注意的几个方面 当前中小学英语教师使用课堂用语中存在的一些问题 1.1 课堂用语不规范,语病较多 1.1.1 语序、词序不正确 *Can you guess what does it mean? *Could you write the words on the left top corner? *Please rub off the words at the bottom on the left. *When did you buy this black new pen? (opshacom: opinion, shape, age, color, origin, material) 当前中小学英语教师使用课堂用语中存在的一些问题 1.1.2 用词、搭配不当 *I’d like some of the students to come to the front. *Do you know the main meaning of the article? *If you can’t see, come a bit nearer. *Let’s listen to the tape of the dialogue. *Your thought isn’t really right, please think it again . *Could you say a few sentences? 当前中小学英语教师使用课堂用语中存在的一些问题 *Why do you late? *Please read it follow me slowly . *Can you make a sentence about “how long”? *Let’s continue the text. *When shall we discuss? *Pay attention the difference. *This assignment will take us two hours to finish it. *The last page of the book was lost. 当前中小学英语教师使用课堂用语中存在的一些问题 1.1.3 习惯性、口误错误 *How to spell the word “Christmas”? *How to pronounce the word “b-r-e-a-d”? *How to say it in your own words? *I don’t know very clearly. *The letter “a” in this word pronounces… *Please repeat the word after me again. *You should work more harder. *Where are you come from? * I don’t know the answer too. 当前中小学英语教师使用课堂用语中存在的一些问题 1.2 课堂用语不系统,说话随意性大 1.2.1半中文半英文 * Read after me 啊! * Because 什么? * Open your books at page 36,做第一题填空题。 * 张明,你记不记得Whats the difference between be made of and be made from? * By the way, 我要强调一下… *我并不 sure, anyway我们可以。 当前中小学英语教师使用课堂用语中存在的一些问题 1.2.2 中文式的英文 * Together answer. * Give you five minutes to read the dialogue. * Sit well. * Begin to divide into groups to discuss it. * Please give the main idea/meaning of each paragraph. * I ask you to make preparations for it before class. * I very like your answer. 当前中小学英语教师使用课堂用语中存在的一些问题 *Welcome


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