Unit 12 Mainly revision 教.doc

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Unit 12 Mainly revision ?一、教学目标与要求 本单元是总复习。复习的要点为第7至11单元中出现的语法现象和日常交际用语,并在学生理解的基础上,强调运用的熟练程度。学生能较为自如地运用上述单元中出现的语言现象进行表达;在提高综合运用能力方面下工夫,尤其是要落实到笔头方面;在理解课文的基础上,要求学生能用自己组织的语言复述课文;正确完成练习册安排的练习;为全面总复习打好基础。 二、教学重点与难点 1.重点词汇 attack;frighten;pale;stare;bend;attract;flow;exact;recent;the other day;for one thing;stare at;hold one’s breath;carry off;so as to;fall over;suggest doing;speed up;run out of 2.重要句型 1)I suggest we go shopping together and look for a nice tank.2)Is there anything else that I ought to get?3)She had the surprise of her life.4)She was just about to open the window and shout at the dog to frighten it,when she stopped and stood quite still.5)Thoughts rushed through her head.6)Worse still,it could even carry off the baby in its mouth. 3.语法 复习第7至11单元中出现的语法项目。 4.日常交际用语 复习第7至11单元中出现的日常交际用语。复习表示提出建议和应答。 1)I think you should get a tank if you want to keep the fish. 2)I suggest we go shopping together and look for a nice tank.3)You ought to get a few large rocks to put in the tank.4)You need to get some underwater plants. 三、课型 (一)对话课 Ⅰ.教具 ?录音机、投影仪。 Ⅱ.课堂教学设计 1.教师通过以下步骤导入本课: 向学生提出下列问题: 1)Is there anyone in our class who keeps fish at home?2)What about your neighbor?Do they keep fish?3)Do you think that some of the fish are very beau-tiful?4)Where do you keep the fish if you have some?5)After learning the dialogue,please don’t forget to tell me whether you would like to keep fish yourself. 2.准备放对话录音。借助投影片打出以下听前提问:1)Where do you think the conversa-tion takes place?A.At a shop B.In a street market C.On their way home2)What does Li Qun advise Kate to put in the tank? 放录音一至两遍,请学生回答上述问题,教师予以必要订正。 Key:1)C(It is the only probable answer.)2)Li Qun advises Kate to put some large rocks and underwater plants in the tank. 3.再次放对话录音,学生跟读。根据本课对话内容,教师再提出一些问题,检查学生的理解程度。 1)What did Kate see in the street market the other day?2)What does she plan to do?3)Why does Li Qun say that one should never keep fish in a small round bowl?4)What does Li Qun suggest doing?5)Why is it a good idea to


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