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           !#$% ()*+,#-. /01234567 89:;*=? @801ABCDEFG H I - JKLIMNOPQRST -UVWXYZ[\XYZ]^_`a bcFd#e fVWX[\XYZ]^WgBChXi jklmn ophqrst   WXYZ \XYZ  STRANGE MAGNETIC PARTICLE PATTERN OVER THE CYLINDRICAL SURFACE OF A PIN WITH A THROUGH HOLE Principle of magnetic particle inspection, Part ZHONG Wei-Chang (Nanjing Gas Turbine Research Institute, 210037, China) Abstract: On the basis of the physical characteristic of the magnetic dipole chains (There must appear uniform transversal repulsion between the magnetic dipole chains. The magnetic dipole chains can change their directions to avoid the discontinuity regions in the magnetic medium. In a fixed condition, some magnetic dipole chains may break themselves, and positive and negative magnetic poles (charges) will reveal over the surface of the magnetic medium, so as to decrease the magnetostatic interactive energy of the system of magnetic charges……) and the geometical feature of a pin with a circular through hole and a pin with a rectangular through hole, the shape of magnetic particle pattern over the cylindrical surface of the pin with a circular or a rectangular through hole is deduced, and it all coincides with the strange magnetic particle pattern obtained by the magnetic particle testing experiment. Keywords: Circular through hole; Rectangular through hole; Magnetic dipole chains  u v wxRyz{|}~?????? ?????????=s????mn -ncRys??b?  w ?????????????[??mn?? ?¢£¤0¥[|§    ¨ ?????na?[,? ¨ ???V\XYZ]^  -¨ ¨? [VWXYZ]^  -¨ ¨ˉ  -¨ VYZ]^ *°±*23′μ?·??1o5 ?Se?? ??à á???  S??? 1 ?n,? ??45? e?? ?# ? d# èé ¨ ?n?? Y???#eo ??Cê?`DE  d#eoìFí?ph ?-¨ E  ¨ ¨ \XYZ ?-¨ ¨? D? òó}??? ×??T? zùú?STüY ?T?àáa??? ? ??2?è ?éê?ì8¢? 8üí?? ?e?ò ???tRyó  ¨ ¨ WXYZ ?-¨ ¨ˉ D? ??P?÷


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