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拓展1:同级比较/比较级的转换: 拓展2:多音节形容词的比较等级 拓展3:最高级/比较级/同级比较的相互转换: Do some exercises in class What happened at South Hill? 1.You can go and enjoy_________ now. 2.Oh no! Simon is trying to pull ______to the rocks. 4.You are lucky not to hurt________. 5.We really enjoyed_________. 6.They kept the secret to __________. Remember these phrases. 1.help oneself to 请随便吃… 2.enjoy oneself 过得愉快 3.teach oneself…=learn…by oneself 自学… 4.do sth. by oneself(alone/ on one’s own) 独自(亲手)做某事 5.Say to oneself自言自语 6. dress oneself / wash oneself 7. look after oneself 8.the thing itself 事情本身 * * * * 8A Unit 3 A day out Grammar Lily Millie Sandy Lily is taller than Millie. Sandy is taller than Lily. Sandy is the tallest of the three. zxxk Look at these girls, who is the tallest ? Andy Tom Max Who is the tallest? Max is as tall as Tom. Tom is as tall as Andy. as ……as 和……一样 1、We use as…as to say that people or things are the same in the same way. 我们用as…as结构表示两个人或事物在某方面程度相同。 Mr Wu is as happy as Mr. Li. as + 形容词原级 + as Tom jumps as high as Daniel. as + 副词原级 + as ( )1. I think swimming is dancing. A. more interesting as B. so interesting as C. as interesting than D. as interesting as ( )2.John is much shorter than his sister, but he jumps she does. A. as good as B. as best as C. as high as D. as higher as 3. This horse is as (strong) as that one. 4. Mary writes as (careful) as Lucy. Lily Millie Sandy Lily is not as tall as Sandy. Millie is not so tall as Lily. Look at these girls, who is the tallest ? not as…as = not so…as 不如…… 2、We use not as…as / not so …as to say that people or things are not the same in some ways. 我们用not as…as或 not so …as结构表示A在某方面不如B。 Mr Wu is not as happy as Mr. Li. Mr Wu不如Mr Li 快乐。 not as/so + 形容词原级 + as Tom does not jump as high as Daniel. Tom 不如Daniel 跳得高。 not as/so + 副词原级 + as ( )1


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