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摘 要 万年历设计是采用数字电路实现对.时,分,秒.数字显示的计时装置,广泛用于个人家庭,车站, 码头办公室等公共场所,成为人们日常生活中不可少的必需品,由于数字集成电路的发展和石英晶体振荡器的广泛应用,使得数字钟的精度,远远超过老式钟表, 钟数字化给人们生产生活带来了极大的方便,而且大大地扩展了钟表原先的报时功能。诸如定时自动报警、按时自动打铃、时间程序自动控制、定时广播、自动起闭路灯、定时开关烘箱、通断动力设备、甚至各种定时电气的自动启用等,但是所有这些,都是以钟表数字化为基础的。因此,研究万年历及扩大其应用,有着非常现实的意义。 本课题基于单片机设计的万年历设计,用AT89C51来完成电路的控制,用DS1302完成时钟的显示部分。本设计涉及到了单片机与外围器件的串行、并行通信原理和INT0,INT1中断原理,定时器计数器原理,键盘原理,液晶显示原理等。 关键词:单片机;万年历;液晶技术; Abstract CALENDAR digital circuit design is right. Hours, minutes and seconds. Figures show that the timing devices, widely used in individual households, stations, terminals offices and other public places, become an indispensable necessity in daily life, due to the number of integrated circuits the development and extensive application of quartz crystal oscillators, making digital clock accuracy, far more than old-fashioned clocks and watches, clock digital production and life to people brings great convenience, but also greatly expanded the original chime clocks. Such as regular auto-alarm, schedule automatic rang the bell, the time automatic control, regular radio, automatic closed-circuit from lights, oven timer switch, on-off power equipment, and even a variety of regular electrical automatically enabled and so on, but all these are based on clocks and watches digitization basis. Therefore, the study calendar and expand its application, has a very practical significance. The topic of perpetual calendar design based on single chip design, with the AT89C51 to complete the circuit control the clock with the completion of the display part of the DS1302. This design relates to the MCU and peripheral devices, serial, parallel communication principles and INT0, INT1 interrupt principle, the timer counter principle, keyboard theory, liquid crystal display rationale. Keywords: SCM; calendar; liquid crystal technology; 目录 1 系统总体设计 1 1.1 引言 1 1.2 系统整体设计思路 1 1.3 设计方案选择 2 1.4 功能介绍 2 1.5 工作原理 3 1.6 本章小结 3 2 系统硬件电路设计 4 2.1单片机最小系统硬件的电路设计 4 2.1.1 单


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