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摘要 直接或间接影响板料成形性能的因素很多,在板料成形稳健优化过程中,如果盲目的将所有因素都考虑进来,将极大的增加试验设计成本和计算机工作量,导致优化效率低下,甚至难以进行。因此,需要分析哪些因素对成形性能的影响大是重要的,哪些因素影响小是次要的,从众多的影响因素中筛选出对优化目标影响显著的关键可控因素及噪声因素来进行稳健优化,以提高优化效率及可行性。 灰色关联度分析具有“样本要求低、计算量小”的优点,在多个领域具有十分广泛的应用本文运用该方法,分析了各个影响因素对板料冲压成形中贴膜度指标和回弹指标的影响程度,获得了影响板料成形过程中对贴膜度指标和回弹指标的主要因素,以及对二者综合处理分析之后的影响的主要因素。分析结果与经验及工艺试验结论相吻合,说明了灰色关联度分析方法在板料冲压成形质量敏感因素分析中应用的有效性。 关键词: 板料冲压 灰色关联度分析 因素分析 稳健优化 Abstract There are many factors can affect the function of sheet metal forming directly or indirectly.However,if we consider all the factors into the process of sheet metal forming optimization blindly,it will increase the cost of experimental design and the workload of computer greatly.That way,the optimization efficiency will be lowered,worse still,the work may can’t be conducted.Thus,it’s significant to analyze which factors are critical to the function of forming,and which are secondary.Distinguishing critical and controllable factors and noise factors,which can affect optimal object observably,from so many factors can improve efficiency and feasibility. Grey relational analysis has characteristics of lower requirements for the sample and less calculation,therefore,it can be widely used in many fields.In this thesis,this method is used to analyze the degree of influence of each factor for the stricker to measure and springback criterion in sheet metal forming quality.We obtain the critical factors for sticker to measure and springback criterion ,as well as the critical factors after the comprehensive processing analysis of this two indicators.The accordance, between analysis result and experience and experimental conclusion, certify the availability of grey relational analysis in the sensitive factors analysis for sheet metal forming quality. KeyWords: sheet metal parts grey relational analysis factor analysis robust optimization 目 录 摘要 I Abstract II 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 选题意义 1 1.2 国内外的研究现状 1 1.3 本文的主要工作 2 第二章 基础知识 3 2.1 灰色关联度分析概述 3 2.2 灰色关联度分析方法与步骤 3 2.2.1 确定参考


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