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基于模拟路灯控制系统的设计 摘 要 随着城市建设和社会经济的迅速发展,城市道路照明作为城市文明与现代化程度的重要标志,已受到越来越多的关注,规模也在不断扩大。路灯是一个城市的照明系统不可分割更无可替代的一部分,现有的路灯管理的方式方法已远远不能满足城市路灯发展与管理的需要,必须依靠现代化的高科技管理手段。由于单片机具有集成度高,处理能力强,可靠性高,系统结构简单,价格低廉的优点,因此在路灯照明工程中被广泛应用。本系统采用MSC-51系列单片机AT89C51和相关的光电检测设备来设计智能光控路灯控制器,利用51系列单片机可编程控制八位逻辑I/O端口实现路灯的智能化,达到节能、自动控制的目的,单片机采集光敏电阻或光电开关的信号控制路灯的亮灭,具有自动检测故障报警等功能,同时根据实际情况,通过计时系统来对时间进行有效的控制,在本设计中,输入是开关按钮,进行时间控制,显示是六个数码管和LED二极管,时间为正常24小时走时,可用按钮调节定时开关时间,通过程序实现按规定时间开关灯功能,由于路灯采用LED灯,节能环保,耗电量低,使用寿命长,可以获得很好的经济和环保效益。本系统实用性强、操作简单,能够有效地解决城市路灯照明系统存在的灯光控制方法和管理手段落后,所用灯具科技含量低等问题。 关键词:单片机,控制,LED THE DESIGN OF THE CONTROL SYSTEM OF SIMULATED STREET LAMPS ABSTRACT Along with the rapid city construction and development of the community economy,urban lighting has been one of the chief signs that represent the urban civilization level. So it is an increasing concern and its scale has been steadily enlarged. The street light is an integral part of a city lighting system and means of the existing street lights have been far from being able to meet the needs of the development and management of urban street, and must rely on modern high-tech management tools. Microcontroller with high integration, processing capability, high reliability, simple structure and low cost advantages, and therefore is widely used in street lighting works. The system uses the MSC-51 SCM AT89C51 and the associated optical testing equipment to design intelligent light control of street lamp controller, eight 51-series single-chip programmable control logic I / O ports to achieve intelligent street lamps to achieve energy saving, automatic control purpose of the SCM Acquisition photoresistor or photoelectric switch signal to control the lights off bright, with automatic detection and fault alarm function, at the same time, according to the actual situation, the timing system to time for effective control in this design, the input switch button time control, showing the six digital control and LE


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