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毕 业 设 计(论 文) 题目:PLC自动门控制系统的设计 PLC自动门控制系统 摘要 自动门在人们的日常生活中已经得到了广泛的应用,同时人们对其性能和安全等方面的要求也越来越高。由于PLC的高稳定性和对环境较强的适应能力,使得PLC在自动门控制装置中的应用也日益广泛。 本文围绕自动门控制系统展开研究。首先分析了国内外自动门发展的趋势和所采用的技术,然后对PLC系统作了简要说明。并按照自动门控制装置的要求,设计了相应的梯形图文件,实现了自动门由检测到开启、计时等待、关闭的全过程。 本设计主要的工作原理是通过信号采集装置判定有无人经过并将信号转换成开关量信号传到PLC,PLC根据开关信号来控制变频器的开停和速度的变换,在由传动装置带动门运动 随着PLC不断的更新,PLC控制已成为自动控制中最常见的方式之一,由于可编程控制器可以很简单的改变控制方式。并且,PLC具有较高的稳定性、可靠性、维修方便等优点。还具有良好的处理自动门开关控制及良好的稳定性,因此,此设计以PLC为基础,以传感器为感应装置,电动机为动力单元,从而达到设计的要求。 关键词: PLC可编程控制器 自动门 传感器 设计原理 工作原理 PLC automatic door control system Abstract Automatic doors have been widely used in the peoples daily lives, while about its performance, and security requirements and getting higher. Due to the high stability of the PLC and strong ability to adapt to the environment, makes the application of PLC in auto-door control unit is also increasingly widespread. This paper stresses the study on auto-door control system. Development trend of the first analysis of the automatic doors at home and abroad and the technologies used, and then provided a brief description of the PLC system. And in accordance with the requirements of automatic door control device, was designed for ladder diagram files, enabling automatic door opening, detected by timed wait, shut down the whole process. This design works mainly through the signal acquisition device judgment after and converts the signal switches quantity signal, no upload PLC,PLC the switching signal to control the start stop and speed of the transformation of a frequency converter, driven by gear door movement. With the continuous update of PLC, PLC automatic control of control has become one of the most common way, because changing the control mode of the programmable controller can be as simple. And PLC has a high stability, reliability, easy maintenance and so on. Automatic door control also has a good deal and good stability, therefore, this design based on the PLC, sensors to sensors


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