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baggage claim area (行李认领处) customs (海关) 单程票single ticket/ one-way ticket 往返票 return ticket/round trip ticket 不定期的机票 open ticket 成人票 ticket for adult 半价票 half price ticket 打折票 discount ticket/saver ticket 头等舱 first class compartment/cabin 经济舱 economy class/tourist class cabin 公务舱 business class cabin Word bank 安全带 seat belt aisle seat 靠近过道旁的座位 window seat 靠窗的座位 middle seat 中间的座位 转机 change plane transfer passenger 中转旅客 direct flight 直飞航班 layover 中途下车/临时停留 departure gate 登机口 arrival time 抵达时间 departure time 离港时间 Word bank Part One Making airline reservation 我想预定一张到纽约的机票。 I want to book a seat to New York; 6-23日的单程一张。 I want a one-way ticket for June 23 一张往返机票。 I want a round-trip ticket. 你明天去上海的机票是几点? What time is your flight to Shanghai tomorrow? 你准备坐头等舱还是经济舱呢? Will you be traveling first class or economy? 你想选择哪家航空公司? Which airline would you prefer to fly with? 想在预定有折扣吗? Is there a discount? 此次航班要多久呢? How long will this flight take? 我想确定我的预定。 I’d like to confirm my reservation. A预定机票 B南方航空客服人员 Requirement: A要预定明天去新加坡的机票。 B说2点5点各有一班,都有位子。 A说就2点吧。 B问选择头等舱还是经济舱? A说经济舱就好了。 A询问航班时长 B说2小时。并且问是否有其他问题。 A询问到机场的时间。 B说一定在起飞前一小时到。 A: Oriental Airlines. Can I help you? B: Yes, I’d like to reserve a seat to Singapore. A: Just a moment, please. Let me check for you. B: Yes. A: We have two flights, one at 2pm and the other at 5pm.Both flights have seats available. Which would you like to take? B: I’d like to take the first available flight. A: Which would you prefer, first class or economy? B: Economy, please. What time does the flight get into Singapore? A: At 8 o’clock. Do you have any other question? B: When do I have to check in? A: You have to be there an hour before the departure. Thank you for flying with us. Part Two Reschedule a Flight 我要取消我去伦敦的预定。 I’d like to cancel my reservation to London. 我如果想推迟航班是否可能? What if I want to put off my flight? 如果有可能,我想更改航班。 I’d like to change my reservation if possible. 我要提前多久退票? How many hours in advance should I r



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